January 30, 2007

Insight, Exhortation and Prophecy for Russia 2007

by John Russell

This will be the third time in 14 years that I have received some prophetic words and insight which I believe is for the body of Christ in Russia. The first was in 2000, the second in 2004. I have been amazed at how many things have come to pass and how others are unfolding. I pray that these words for 2007 will be a blessing and encouragement to all of you.

While living in Russia, there have been times when I have been extremely excited and times when life has been a struggle. It has been several years since I have felt as excited and expectant as I am about what is ahead. I was overcome by this excitement while praying during the Jewish New Year in the fall of 2006. I believe that these feelings are from the Lord and that this will be a year when we see our sovereign God do miraculous and extraordinary exploits in Russia and throughout the earth.

The first section of this message is for the purpose of sharing some insights I believe the Lord has given me regarding Russia. It is also meant to exhort and encourage others who are co-laboring for the gospel in this nation. The second section includes the prophetic words I have received for what is ahead. I hope that as you read you gain understanding that will aid you in your spiritual life and ministry.

Part 1 - Insight and Exhortation

Insight vs. Prophecy

There is a clear distinction that needs to be made between insight and prophecy. Prophecy is receiving a piece of information supernaturally that a person would have no natural way of knowing. This can include information concerning someone’s life (past or present), or may show future events regarding nations. In contrast, insight is simply having the natural understanding of the true nature of a situation.

Recently, a dear friend sent me some financial predictions for 2007, written by a western economist. The economist communicated his “predictions” in such a way that it appeared almost supernatural. Since Russia was one of the countries about which he was writing, I was familiar with news concerning some recent gas and oil contracts being made between them and surrounding nations. It soon became plain to me that this man was not really predicting anything (as he claimed) but was simply reporting what would be the natural outcomes resulting from these contracts. By making no mention of these contracts in the article, this man was portraying himself as being much more insightful than he really was.

This too can happen with prophetic ministry. It is possible to visit other nations and see God working there, or gather reports of what God is doing in nations outside of our own and declare this information to people in our area as future moves of God. This type of prophetic self-promotion in ministry is deceitful and not productive in building the kingdom of God. We must inform people when we are sharing knowledge obtained supernaturally and when it is insight gained from what we have seen or physically experienced. Our integrity must be ever increasing if we expect to be taken seriously.

Lifting Up Jesus

As we grow and mature, becoming less self-centered and more God-centered, we create more room for God to work in our lives, cities, and nations. It can be disconcerting listening to leaders or followers talk about themselves and their own ministry as if that were the best and most important thing God is doing. Paul describes this type of childish thinking in the church at Corinth. Some would say, "I am of Apollos"; while others claimed, "I am of Paul." (1 Cor. 3:4).

How counterproductive it would be if each military branch of a nation (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Special Forces) thought that its own branch was the greatest contributing factor in winning a war. In reality, each part is equally needed in attaining success, regardless of size and number. We must challenge each other to live above such carnal thinking and attitudes and carry God’s heart for the entire body of Christ, each of us "esteeming others as better than ourselves" (Phil. 2:3).

In the Old Testament, God divided his people into 12 tribes, each with differing duties and functions. As the priestly tribe, the Levites had a special function and stricter rules governing their lives. Given this honor, one would think they might believe they were above the other tribes; however, the opposite was true. Sown onto their priestly garments were 12 different colored stones, each representing one of the 12 tribes. This was symbolic of all of God’s people being close to their hearts.

Part of our priestly ministry, as Christians, is pointing people to Christ and encouraging personal intimacy with Him. This is a ministry that transcends denominational or ministry affiliation; or national bias. Our identity should, first and foremost, be found in Christ. If it is in anything else, we will become off center in our spiritual journey. The scripture warns, “Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself (or ministry) who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” (2 Cor. 10:17,18) If we are secure in Christ, we will receive our approval from Him alone. Insecurity results when we receive our sense of self-worth from man or our own works and this will eventually lead to disappointment.

We have purposefully been made to be interdependent with the rest of the body of Christ. No one movement or organization has everything needed to fulfill God’s purposes. He disperses His gifts and anointings throughout the body. We should remain loyal to those under whom God has instructed us to work; however, our loyalty is out of balance when we think there is no life outside of our individual community. God desires that we have a heart for the entire body. This includes loving them, praying for them, and being truly excited in our hearts when they succeed. This is God's heart for His children and it should be ours.

Intimacy First

At times, newly born again Christians are being thrust into battle and are being given responsibility beyond their level of maturity. Sadly, this often ends in disaster resulting in a premature end to their work or ministry, or backsliding. We can avoid this mistake if we understand the principle that the WORKER is more important than the WORK. We must take the time needed to train new believers and have faith that God will take care of the other details in the meantime. We must do everything possible to see that they have a deep foundation in the word of God and a personal relationship with Christ. If we give people responsibility solely because of their gifts or zeal we will likely witness them falling.

There is a story of a young girl who spent every evening in close fellowship with her father. He would come home from work and she would be eagerly waiting for him. She would run, hug him, get in his lap; and they would talk together until dinner time. One day, without explanation, the daughter stopped greeting him and spending time with him, and the father was heartbroken. More than a month later, on the father’s birthday, the young girl reappeared and gave her father a pair of bedroom slippers that she had been making for him during the previous month. The father looked at the slippers, and then looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes and said, “Thank you for the bedroom slippers; they are nice; but, Honey, I would rather have been with you. Next year, please don’t make me anything and just come and be with me.”

As Christians, we can sometimes be guilty of “making bedroom slippers for God”. We can get so caught up in the feverish activity of ministry that we completely forget the intimate relationship with God that, not only births, but sustains all true eternal ministry. We can end up making a god out of God’s service. This is a form of idol worship as we are actually worshiping the works of our own hands. If we do not stop when God warns us, we might wake up further down the road and find ourselves off track from God’s original intention for our lives.

Jesus said, “I only do what I see my Father doing.” Jesus clearly saw what He was supposed to do because He saw it with His spiritual eyes while fellowshipping with His Father. This is our model for daily living. It can be easier to build a successful ministry without the Lord than it is to build one with Him. There are many successful business models we can follow that will bring success and draw crowds - but the question remains, “Are we drawing the Holy Spirit?” We must hear not only WHAT to do, but HOW to do it, WHEN to do it, and WITH WHOM to do it. Noah followed this pattern and patiently took 100 years to build the ark that God instructed him to build. He did it according to God’s plan and timetable.

Fruitful vs. Non-fruitful Relationships

Several years ago the Lord spoke to me regarding fruitful ministry relationships. This revelation came to me after our ministry had been asked by several churches and ministries to collaborate on various projects in Russia. It was becoming increasingly common for us to receive misleading and dishonest information regarding these prospective projects. These discrepancies grieved my spirit and caused me to begin seeking the Lord for answers and direction on how to respond to these situations.

As the Lord began to open up my understanding, I saw that there are 3 types of healthy ministry relationships:

The first type of relationship occurs when the church or ministry you are involved with seeks help from an outside ministry. The motive is not self-serving, but one of genuine desire for an impartation from their area of strength. For example, a number of years ago our ministry began hungering for a greater understanding and impartation of the gift of prophecy. We began to invite those who were gifted in this area to help us.

The second type of fruitful relationship is when another church or ministry recognizes the anointing or gifts that you or your ministry have. They see in you certain gifts from God and are asking for you to come and teach on it and activate them in that area. Our ministry does this in the areas of evangelism, worship and the prophetic – which are the primary areas He has given us to bless others with.

The third type of relationship occurs when two or more churches or ministries recognize in each other certain compatible giftings or anointings that both feel will be a blessing if released together in a conference or ministry project. This is following the kingdom principle that "one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight." This type of collaboration joins the giftings and anointings from two ministries resulting in much greater power and fruitfulness for ministry.

The following are some scenarios that we have witnessed that are unfruitful but all too common in Russia. We would do well to come against them at all times.

Scenario 1: A ministry or church invites you to minister at a planned event in their church. Upon arrival you are informed of some ‘slight’ changes in the ministry schedule that give your ministry team a much smaller role and the hosting church a much greater role. You quickly realize that your name has been used to do nothing more that draw a crowd and give the hosting church an opportunity to advance their own agenda.

Scenario 2: A ministry sends you an invitation to participate in an event based solely on your participation. After receiving the invitation, you receive news that they have presumptuously begun advertising the event using the name of your ministry prior to your being invited. As a result, you feel uncomfortable with the ministry’s intent of your involvement. You are forced into the awkward situation of having to decline the invitation rather than be manipulated.

Scenario 3: A ministry needs money so they invite a more affluent ministry from the west to come and minister. They flatter the ones they invite and give them inflated information about the number of people who will attend and what the projected results of the meetings will be. Additionally, they intentionally over-estimate the running costs for the event and require the visiting ministry to front the extra money. After the event the remaining funds are pocketed by the host ministry and used to purchase new cars and apartments for the ministry leaders.

These types of scenarios result in mistrust and hurt relationships and do not promote true unity and cooperation in the body of Christ. Trust is the foundation of every fruitful relationship. It is important that when working together with another ministry both parties be open and honest with each other and clearly state their intended purposes before getting involved. When expectations are clearly presented in advance, those involved can properly prepare and then confidently minister with no apprehension. Are our primary motives in forming ministry relationships to build the body of Christ and draw the unsaved to Him; or are our primary motives to promote ourselves?

Confronting Strongholds

It is a well-known fact that we are influenced by the culture in which we live. This can be either for the good or bad of our spiritual development. The Christian church is also influenced to a degree by the individual culture in which it is found. Every nation has both deposits from God, from which they can bless the earth, and demonic strongholds which need to be discerned and displaced. Sometimes the strongholds are very old and have rooted themselves into the traditions of that society.

The issue of confronting strongholds is clearly brought out in Jesus’ warning to the seven churches in the book of Revelation. Some of these churches had come under a negative influence of their culture and needed to change. In the Old Testament, God’s prophets were used to correct the children of Israel from embracing the culture and traditions of their heathen neighbors which had demonic roots. It is very important for us to be aware of the strongholds of our society and to fight actively against their influence on us.

The following is a list of spiritual strongholds I believe are operating in Russia. The list is by no means comprehensive:

1. The Spirit of Control and Manipulation

One of the most influential strongholds in Russia is the spiritual stronghold of control and manipulation. During communist times, people were not even allowed to think, except within a narrow parameter. This control continues, to a degree, through the confining influence over the media and it is also perpetuated in the educational system through teachers and instructors who were trained during the communist era. The majority of the Russian population, including business leaders and other professionals, have been trained according to this system. A growing number of these people are now in the church and are in need of a renewing of the mind from these old ways of thinking.

People who have succumbed to the influence of a control spirit tend to push their way of doing things as if it were the best and only way. We must have the humility to understand that our way may be just one of many ways God will use to fulfill His purposes. Just as He created a diversity of flowers ranging in color, shape, and fragrance, He has made the church to be creative and diverse. Unfortunately, we tend to fit people into specific molds resulting in a rigid, uniform expression of the church, and are unable to see God when He expresses Himself through others that are different than we are.

It is possible for man to gain position and popularity through self-promotion, flattery, bribery and other manipulative ways. Advertising can sometimes be used for this. This is not to say that all advertising is inherently bad, but it can be used to manipulate or control people for the purpose of self-promotion. The favor of the Lord is a treasure we should all seek after in order to counter this. It is not a commodity that can be bought at a price but is a gift from God that He bestows on people as He wills. No matter what people do to try to earn favor, God alone is the one who bestows true favor. We should be wise in how we gain influence and not confuse the favor of God with position and influence gained by any other means.

Many of us remember the Brownsville Revival that began in the US during the mid-nineties. For several years, thousands of people descended upon the small city of Pensacola, Florida, to participate in what God was doing. People would begin lining up outside the church doors early in the morning and stand outside all day in the scorching heat just to secure a seat for the evening meetings. All of this happened without the promotion of man. No money was spent on advertising the revival in Christian magazines or on television. God simply used the power of His Spirit to create a vacuum in people’s hearts to receive the Word. Someone once said, “If you get on fire for God, the whole world will come out to see you burn,” and this is what happened with the Brownsville Revival.

We need to fight actively against the influence of the control and manipulation spirit in the body of Christ. We don’t want to be guilty of excusing ourselves by saying, “This is Russia – this is how we have always done it here.” We must begin to choose freedom over control and allow others to choose likewise. Also, we must guard against choosing a national standard over the standards of God’s kingdom which are clearly given in scripture.

2. The Religious Spirit

Another stronghold influential in Russia is the religious spirit. All of the major religions of the world have radical, conservative and moderate elements or factions. It can be seen in the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religious world views. The radical elements seen in all religions seem to be similar. They are often hateful, vengeful, self-righteous, and intolerant of those who do not share the exact same beliefs. There is no mercy or compassion on others and no desire to help or interact with those outside of their small circle. This type of religious extremism is a manifestation of the religious spirit. It is not confined to the Pharisees of yesterday or to certain elements of Christendom today.

3. Spiritual Nationalism

Nationalism can simply be defined as regarding your nation’s culture and interests as superior to others. Spiritual nationalism occurs when we begin to "wave the flag" of our own nation, church or ministry, rather than “wave the flag” of Christ. It is a strategy of the enemy to divide his people along national lines and prevent unity which is a key for fruitful ministry.

In the 1950's and 60's, a number of poorer nations throughout the developing world threw off the "yoke" to which they were tied through war, occupation, language, trade, etc. Many nations got their "freedom" but in many ways were in better condition before asserting their national independence. As a result, some benefits sacrificed were: being more organized and productive, their people having opportunity for a better education, the countries were safer, disease was being addressed and eradicated. Their vision for self-rule was correct but they took it upon themselves to secure it by force prematurely and have suffered the consequences ever since. They promised the people liberty, but gave them an even greater degree of bondage.

I have traveled to more than 40 nations and seen this scenario play out repeatedly in the church. There are people God sends from the outside to help strengthen, encourage, and sometimes direct and organize the church. At times these people whom God sends are rejected by those to whom they were sent because of the nationalistic spirit, pride and insecurity that exists in those places. This insecurity causes them to distance themselves from others and reach out for power or position prematurely. They begin seeking to gather people to themselves by undermining and mocking those who walk in God-given authority. These “spiritual nationalists” sometimes appeal to the insecurity in others by promising premature positions of responsibility and using flattery to control others, saying that only they recognize the full potential that others do not see in them.

Spiritual Nationalism also manifests itself through competition. Some want to open Russian churches in other countries to “plant their flag.” We even heard of a government suggestion to send Russian missionaries to a neighboring country to offset the influence of western missionaries there! The love of Christ, passion for souls and specific leading of the Lord should be our sole motivators for planting churches.

As previously stated, I have seen this nationalism play itself out on numerous occasions and tragically people often end up spreading unbiblical doctrine and falling deeper into deception and sin. We must avoid following any line of thinking that seeks to exalt itself above the knowledge of God in this way. These "liberators" often become great oppressors. The spiritual "Gazelle" might look like a Ford or Mercedes on the outside but it will quickly show itself to be a cheap imitation. You might be asked to help run the factory but you could be producing something of low quality - a cheap imitation of the real thing.

Prophetic Words for 2007

Freedom from Striving

I believe this year a number of people who are zealously working FOR God will receive the revelation they need to start working WITH Him. Some people will be set free from trying to do good works by the world’s standard and building things God has not instructed them to do. For some, this will come as a shock to the spiritual system, and they will have to decide whether they will allow God to knock down the building they have made with their own hands or if they will ignore God’s voice and continue building out of wood, hay and stubble. (1 Cor 3:12-15) Many are involved with “work, work, work for the kingdom” but have not been properly prepared with a strong spiritual foundation that is needed to endure the storms of adversity which will later come against them. Jesus gave us this promise, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28,30) If the work you are doing is causing you to overheat, explode, burnout, destroy your health, marriage or relationships, then you may need to take some time off and examine it. (2Cor 13:5)

Best Friend or Worst Enemy

This year, a number of people will feel a stronger call to go deeper and higher in the things of God and to forsake less important desires in order to press on to their destiny. People will be faced with the same decision as the rich young ruler in choosing between temporal and eternal riches. The young ruler was unwilling to forsake all that he had and, therefore, could not inherit the true riches Jesus offered him. Often, the possessions and relationships we hold so closely become the biggest hindrances to God’s highest being accomplished in us. For some, it is the wishes of our family or the low standard or lack of hunger of our best friends that keep us from experiencing God and His fullness. We become tied to these people or things, and they become the weights that keep us from being free. Your best friend or most prized possession could become your worst enemy this year, if you value them more than God’s will. (Luke 14:33, Heb 12:1)

A Time of Breakthrough

I feel very strongly that 2007 will be a year of breakthrough and tremendous fruit-bearing for the church in Russia. I believe there will be breakthrough in more souls coming into the Kingdom and also breakthrough in miraculous healings. I believe that heaven has heard the intercession that has been poured out on behalf of the youth of Russia; this heart cry will be answered. “Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.” (Psalm 126:5)

An Outpouring of Blessing

Several people in our ministry saw a vision this year of God pouring out, like water, an unstoppable blessing on His people in Russia in 2007. This blessing had the appearance of a waterfall and brought with it refreshing, cooling, cleansing, fruitfulness, joy, and financial breakthrough and blessing. Along with this waterfall of blessing and favor, expect to see a fountain of joy released this year resulting in a greater harvest of souls and increase in finances to do a more effective job. We must not resist this outpouring! It would be foolish to try to stop the will and blessing of our Father God. Both His rain and His reign will continue to manifest themselves in increasingly stronger ways as His return draws near.

Greater Separation from Worldliness in Music

I feel we will see a further separation between music that glorifies and blesses the heart of God and so-called Christian music that is more like entertainment and does not have the power to change a life. One will be anointed and passionately pursue the heart of God (worship music) and show compassion for the lost (evangelism music); the other will imitate the world and pursue the acceptance of man. The latter will be Christian entertainment mixed with philosophy and worldliness. It will be a cheap imitation that draws crowds and fans, but will not change their lives.

Dry Bones Coming to Life

Expect to see an increasing number of dry bones raised up to become part of the mighty spiritual army already being trained all over Russia. Expect to see an increasing number of Russians hear the call to missions and give their lives completely to God for Him to use as He wills. These will become missionaries in their own country as well as pioneers in nations that are open to receiving Russian people. Expect to see an increasing number of rehab centers open throughout Russia and an increased depth and maturity in the graduates. There will also be a new level of fire and passion released in hearts of the rehab ministers. God's dry bones army is continuing to be raised up and prepared for a mighty harvest in the future. Some are playing church, looking for the acceptance of man, and jockeying for position and titles. Others are quietly going about the Father's business being equipped and prepared for great and mighty things.

A Note to Christian Rehabs:

As many of you know there are a number of Christian rehab centers in the St. Petersburg area, with more opening each year. Thank God for those pioneering these ministries. All are valuable in our fight against the enemy and are desperately needed to help free our young people from the curse of addiction, disease and death. We want to honor each rehab center, leader and minister, each rehabilitant and rehab graduate. GOD BLESS YOU ALL FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS AND LOYALTY TO JESUS CHRIST. Those of you who are actively involved in ministry, training people to become solid Christians, leading holy lives, going deeper in Christ, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, developing your spiritual gifts, growing in prayer and evangelism and developing godly character - we salute you - you are true heroes of the faith. We are very thankful to know you and to share a part in what you are doing.

Over the past 10 years, we have held annual Christmas feasts celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and His ability to change any life and any situation. Some years we have concentrated on feeding the homeless, some years we have concentrated on feeding street children and their families. Other years (including this one) our main focus was drawing together former heroin addicts, who have been saved, cleansed, and delivered from their addictions who are now living Christian lives. The purpose this year was to glorify God for the magnificent work that He has done in so many lives AND that He is continuing to do. We thank God for the wonderful promise in Phil 1:6, "He that has begun a good work in you shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." We not only have to begin and continue our Christian walk, but the Bible says, “He that endures to the end shall be saved.” I think we need to encourage and pray for one another toward that end.

This year there were more than 300 people in attendance from 11 Christian rehab centers. When we first started the feed-ins 10 years ago, there were 2 Christian rehabs. The biggest changes we have seen over the years is in their depth of spiritual maturity and sense of love for the lost. This passion for the unsaved seems to be written into the hearts of many. There is also a deeper understanding of worship and an intercessory burden on many. It was obvious to us that God is raising up the dry bones into an effective spiritual army. There is a joy and faith that the brethren are cloaked in. Also, there has been a big change in the depth of humility seen in many. This comes from allowing God to have His way in our lives. This is not the result of one person or ministry, but a move of the Holy Spirit throughout Russia. God is doing His work, and there is nothing the enemy of our souls can do to stop God.

Over the years, God has continually reminded us of the prophecy of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 and has applied it to the youth of Russia. Although in scripture this prophecy is primarily about the nation of Israel, it can be applied to other situations as well. Every year we are seeing this prophecy become more of a reality in Russia as God raises up the dry dead bones of hopeless, broken lives and transforms them into powerful, radical believers with a vision to change the world. The quality and dedication of the new believers who have come from backgrounds of addiction, prostitution, prison and spiritual depravity is phenomenal. The scripture says that, "He who has been forgiven much, the same loves much." We see this clearly in the lives and hearts of the "dry bones army" that is being raised up in Russia. Let us continue to pray for the youth and intercede for breakthrough. If we continue doing so, we will see the ever-increasing army of dedicated disciples who have no fear, rise up and take their places in the end-time harvest.

May He bless you richly in 2007!

John Russell,

StreetCry Ministries
January 2007

January 10, 2007

Happy New Year from Russia

It’s the new year, and we’re anticipating 2007 to be a year of victory and breakthrough for the ministry and the entire body of Christ. We feel joy and excitement in our spirits about the coming season and what God has in store. This month’s newsletter focuses on the recent Christmas feed-in and also includes a new student testimony.

Student Spotlight: Vika Dulas

Vika Dulas is a second year student in the School of Ministry. Her testimony speaks of how a personal relationship with Jesus satisfies the deepest longings of the human soul. Here is her story:

As a child growing up in the small Russian town of Arhangelsk (Russian for Archangel), I was faced with many personal struggles. Early in life, it became painfully obvious to me that my role in the Dulas family was that of the ‘Ugly Duckling’. My parents carefully avoided taking pictures of me because of my awkward appearance. This stigma surrounding my life gave my mother very little hope for my future. Though we lived in the same house I felt abandoned by her.

My father took the more influential role in raising me and he did so with the precision of a drill sergeant. By the age of five he had taught me to recite my multiplication tables by heart. Most Russian children begin 1st grade at the age of seven, I was accepted into school at the age of five.

By Russian standards the Dulas family was fairly wealthy. We lived in a fully furnished apartment, drove a new car, and even had a boat for leisure activities. I never knew exactly what my father did for a living, but remember coming home from school one day in the second grade to the shock of seeing him being arrested and taken to jail. A few days after the arrest some men came to our apartment and confiscated all our of furniture, leaving only one armchair which we used as the family bed.

My father’s absence forced my mother to take the role of being sole provider for the family. She began the daunting task of working three jobs in order to keep up with bills and put food on the table. In an effort to alleviate my mother’s burden, my older sister and I found a low paying job washing floors at a local orphanage.

At the age of seven, my daily schedule was enough to fatigue a grown man. After finishing school in the afternoons, my sister and I would head off to work to clean floors until late in the evening. With no father to defend us, my sister and I were easy prey for the boys at school. We became accustomed to their ridicule, and physical abuse. At home mom became increasingly distant emotionally and would physically beat us when her rage spilled over.

In a surprising turn of events my mother remarried, and took my brother to move in with her new husband. My sister and I were abandoned and left to survive on our own. Alone in an apartment, we kept ourselves alive on a regular diet of bread soaked in water. On special occasions my brother would bring us sugar he had stolen from my mother for us to eat with our bread soup.

I became an expert at hiding my inner pain and loneliness. I was determined not to allow people to see the poverty and depravity I lived in. Outwardly, I always tried to smile and look happy. No one cared what was going on behind my plastic façade of happiness.

As an outlet for my frustrations I began to pursue sports and became very successful as a track runner. At the high school level I received top honors, winning gold medals in various national competitions.

During college I left sports to pursue my true passion - music. As my talent developed I began receiving invitations to perform at venues around campus. A local radio station picked up my music and began giving me regular air-time. Then, at the peak of my success tragedy stuck and I completely lost my voice leaving me unable to sing.

After receiving six months of treatment at a local hospital I regained my vocal strength. However, it wasn’t long before my voice once again disappeared. This time the doctor’s diagnosis was more serious and they broke the news to me that my singing career was over. Being no stranger to difficulty I took the news in stride and moved on.

At the age of nineteen I decided to move from small-town Arhangelsk to St. Petersburg. I had new aspirations of becoming a professional actress. The big city did not receive me with open arms. Eventually I found an apartment and enrolled in acting school. Things began to go my way and I caught a break acting in a local theater.

On the outside things looked good, but the secret inner condition of my soul was worsening. I longed for contact with my mother and secretly hoped she would call and ask how I was doing - she never did. The realization that no one cared for me became more apparent each day.

One day, while walking home from the theater a flyer caught my eye advertising a free Christian rock concert. My love of music and the fact that it was free compelled me to attend. The music I heard at the concert was different than anything I had heard before. The musicians sang with joy and conviction and all the songs were about God.

After the concert I went to meet the band and soon found myself engaged in a conversation about God. They began to tell me about Jesus and his desire to have a relationship with me. I never doubted the existence of God but for the first time I heard Him described as someone relational. At that very moment I turned to Jesus with my whole heart and found the love I had been searching for my entire life.

I joined the fellowship of believers connected with the band and began walking through the process of inner healing. Every time someone asked me about my past I could only respond with uncontrollable weeping. As people prayed for me, I was able to open up and allow the Holy Spirit to restore my broken soul.

No amount of psychological help would have accomplished even a fraction of what Jesus did for me. I’ve been transformed. In the process, He’s also restored my voice and I now sing on a worship team in church. Jesus has saved me from the constant torment of loneliness and despair, and satisfied me with the deepest longing of my soul – a relationship with Him.


2007 Christmas Feed-In

Each Christmas StreetCry hosts a feed-in celebration in honor of God’s love for the poor and needy. This year’s feed-in was directed specifically towards freed former heroin addicts from 11 Christian rehab centers from in and around St. Petersburg. An estimated 300 people were in attendance for this year’s time together.

The evening began with a time of worship led by Bios (a visiting band from outside of St. Petersburg) and StreetCry’s own worship team. The atmosphere during worship was truly celebratory as many of the former addicts united in declarations of heartfelt praise and thanksgiving.

Towards the end of worship a leader from each rehab was invited on stage for a time of corporate prayer for the drug problem in St. Petersburg. Additionally, the newest member of each rehab was invited on stage to pray for the coming harvest of souls in 2007. After an extended set of worship and prayer everyone had worked up an appetite and was very ready to begin the feast.

Every year our goal is to serve the best quality food affordable, so that each guest feels valued and receives badly needed nutrition. This year’s main course consisted of chicken, smoked fish, cold-cuts, cheese and a selection of five salads. Everyone was encouraged to return for a second serving (stomach permitting). It was a joy to watch the food being appreciated and devoured by the hungry guests. A dessert course of fruit, cookies and tea was served after the main.

Following the dinner, the evening concluded with a final worship time with Bethesda. Many who were in attendance were deeply touched and came to the staff with personal words of appreciation. We sincerely thank everyone who made the contributions necessary to make this year’s feed-in a reality. Your generosity put a smile on many hungry faces!

Prayer Points for January:

  • Drug Rehab work in St. Petersburg
  • School of Ministry students and staff
  • Wisdom and understanding for leadership team
  • Physical and spiritual protection for entire ministry
  • Spiritual breakthrough in St. Petersburg and Russia
  • Much joy for everyone in the ministry
  • Wisdom, compassion, boldness and power for evangelism ministry
  • Financial provision

January 05, 2007

A Look Back at 2006

We thought we would start the new year with newsletter highlights from 2006. If you do not regularly read our newsletters this is a great opportunity to get an overview on happenings from this past year and see the fruit of what God is doing through StreetCry Ministries in Russia. We’re incredibly thankful for all the support we’ve received and the ground that’s been taken for God's kingdom in 2006. We anticipate 2007 to be a year of further breakthrough and advancement for the Lord and His purposes in Russia.

Evangelism at Lesbian Rock Concert

A local concert featuring a popular Russian lesbian rock group gave us the opportunity to reach out to the growing lesbian community in St. Petersburg . At one of the concerts Olga received a tract especially written for lesbians. She was greatly impacted through reading the tract and gave it to one of her male friends Igor. Soon after, both Igor and Olga began attending StreetCry Fellowship meetings. After two weeks of being in contact with the ministry they decided to repent and give their lives fully over to Jesus. Both have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and are now involved with the church and home groups.

Olga now witnesses to many of her old friends who are still practicing lesbians. Before her conversion, she frequented lesbian chat rooms on the internet. In one chat room, she sent out 300 letters along with a digital version of the tract she received. As a result of this, we’ve received several phone calls on our 24-hour hot-line of people testifying of being touched though reading the tract. Olga has also told us that some of these girls have since removed their contact information from the chat room and discontinued use of it.

Both Olga and Igor are now enrolled in the StreetCry School of Ministry and are growing and maturing in the Lord!

Prison Outreach in Sablino

In April, our evangelism band traveled to a prison in the small village of Sablino (just outside of St. Petersburg). One of the girls on our team, Olga, had previously served time there before she came to the Lord. This was an amazing opportunity for her to return and share the testimony of how God had completely transformed her life. More than 200 inmates came to the concert and heard the Gospel message. After the concert, a couple of our musicians personally led two of the inmates to the Lord.

Katya, a singer in our band, ministered to a 24 year old female inmate named Nadya. As Katya began sharing her testimony Nadya broke down in tears. Katya was able to lead her in rededicating her life to the Lord, as she had previously been a Christian before falling away.

Olga, (not the same as above) shared a testimony with a group of inmates of how her 11 year old son had become a Christian. One of the women in the group began to cry and explained she also had an 11 year old son. She explained further that she was in prison for killing a close friend of her husband while intoxicated. Olga was able to lead her to the Lord and pray with her for her son.

Prison Outreach in Vologda

Twice this past year our evangelism band partnered with the Russian Christian band, Bethesda, for outreaches in Vologda (A city located halfway between St. Petersburg and Moscow). The first outreach was in June, and the second in September.

The June outreach targeted four separate prisons, and reached an estimated 1,000 inmates with the gospel. One of the concerts was especially meaningful for one of the team members Gosha. It was the same prison where he had served a drug related sentence before coming to the Lord. While there, God allowed Gosha to lead one of his closest prison friends to the Lord. He also spoke with dozens of high ranking mafia figures who previously would never have listened to him. God gave Gosha supernatural favor and opened many doors for him to minister.

At another concert in a women’s prison, a real move of the Spirit occurred during the altar call. At the end of the concert a call to salvation was given and 60 women came forward to give their lives to the Lord. The overwhelming response came as a pleasant surprise to the team as typically inmates only respond through one-on-one witnessing.

During the September outreach the team visited a youth prison for inmates 15 - 24 years old. Many in this age category serve time for drug related crimes and are often the hardest to reach with the gospel. After the concert an altar call was given and five people came forward. With a sense that more people needed to respond to the Holy Spirit, the speaker gave a second call and eleven more came forward. Still feeling unsettled about the response, the speaker gave a third alter call and over 200 people flooded the altar - almost the entire prison population! Some of the first who responded were known gang leaders in the prison. The presence of the Holy Spirit was tangibly felt by many in the meeting hall. This is the greatest harvest of souls we’ve ever seen since beginning prison ministry.

Youth Camp Ministry in Estonia

The Lord opened a door for our band and several members of our ministry team to travel to Estonia and minister at a Christian youth camp. During the week, the youth were trained and equipped in evangelism, worship, and prophetic ministry. There was a great hunger in the youth and many were greatly impacted, including five who came to the Lord over the course of the camp.

At the conclusion of the camp the youth were invited to put their training into action and join the StreetCry team for evangelism concerts. Ten people came to the Lord during the outreach. Three weeks after the camp a pastor from one of the hosting churches reported 16 new young believers attending his church, who had been witnessed to during the street meetings.

Prophetic School in Estonia

StreetCry has also launched a prophetic school in Estonia. The purpose of this school is to train people in hearing the voice of God and ministering prophetically. Estonia was formerly a part of the Soviet Union and currently has a population of approximately 1.2 million.

The first session of the school was well attended as about fifty people registered. There were about ten pastors in attendance who wanted training so they could begin releasing the prophetic ministry in their own congregations (Very exciting!). Overall the response to the ministry was very positive. A number of people gave prophetic words for the first time and left the classes feeling more confident in hearing God’s voice.

The school will continue for the next seven months, with one full day of classes each month. Every month different teachers will be sent out from StreetCry to continue the courses. We consider the school an excellent opportunity to help strengthen churches in our surrounding region and promote unity in the body of Christ.

Healing Training

A healing training course has begun at StreetCry fellowship for people wanting to become more involved in healing ministry. Just as many at StreetCry have been trained and mobilized in ministering prophetically, we hope to see this happen in healing ministry. Both healing and prophecy are powerful tools we seek to implement both in the church and evangelism.

Recently an instant healing occurred during a Saturday night meeting. A student school of ministry student, Gosha Karovushkin (featured in the November newsletter), came forward for ministry regarding a chronic problem with sores in his mouth. After receiving prayer from one of the healing teams, Gosha felt something happen on his tongue. He immediately ran out of the room to find a mirror to check his mouth. After confirming that he had in fact been healed, he came running back into the church shouting, “I’m healed! I’m healed!”. It was quite a scene!

A Note from the StreetCry Ministry Team:

Thank you for your prayers, friendship and financial help, which made it possible for us to minister here. We appreciate and thank God for you!

With Love,

The StreetCry Ministry Team

Prayer Points for 2007

* School of Ministry students and staff

* Wisdom and understanding for leadership team

* Physical and spiritual protection for entire ministry

* Financial provision

* Spiritual breakthrough in St. Petersburg and Russia

* A new measure of joy for everyone in the ministry

* Wisdom, compassion, boldness and power for evangelism ministry