April 03, 2007

New Life

Spring is an exciting time for the ministry as it signals transition to an active season of evangelism. We have already begun to see some firstfruit salvations and are praying for an abundant harvest of souls in the months ahead. This month’s newsletter includes a new student spotlight, reports of this year’s first evangelism concert and news of a recent salvation that occurred at the ministry.

Student Spotlight: Kirell Ponochevny

Kirell is currently a 1st year student in the school of ministry. He has been dramatically delivered of a lifestyle of drug addiction and poverty. He now ministers to street children and drug addicts in the St. Petersburg area. Here is his story:

I grew up in a family that lived in relative poverty. My mom gave birth to my brother when she was 18 years old. I was born two years later. Our needs were not adequately met and my brother and I suffered from our parent’s irresponsibility and youthful inexperience at parenting.

Seeds of resentment grew in my heart as I listened to my school friends give detailed accounts of the possessions they had and how their parents took care of them. At age 9 I decided to take matters into my own hands and began stealing from my friends to get some extra money. At school all the children kept their jackets in the same area which made it easy to pick through the pockets to take money.

As I grew older I spent most of my time on the streets figuring out ways I could steal money from people. I made friends with other street kids and together we honed our craft of pick-pocketing and conning people for money. I felt completely justified in my thievery because of my parent’s inadequacy at providing for our family.

The gang of kids I was a part of became known in our neighborhood. The atmosphere of fear we created gave us a sense of power over the people who lived there. We made our gang headquarters in an abandoned basement where we would discuss how we would advance our growing criminal enterprise. Together we took up smoking, drinking, and drugs.

When I began using drugs I avoided the heavier types such as heroin. However, in my later years of high school I gave in to pressure and took my first dose of heroin. I really enjoyed it because it gave me a sense of courage and fearlessness when I was nervous and afraid. In a short amount of time heroin had me in its grips and I lost control of my life.

After high school I attempted to come to terms with my addiction. I tried many methods and clinics but only ever found temporary freedom. I soon realized human efforts alone were not going to break my bondage.

In a warped sort of way religion had always been an integral part of my life. Most gangs acknowledge that there is a higher power and attend Russian Orthodox services asking God to protect them and bless their criminal activities. I was accustomed to lighting the candles and saying the Orthodox prayers but still had many unanswered questions about God and the meaning of life.

A major turning point in my life came when I was sent to prison on drug related charges. It was here I began having conversations with God when I was alone in my cell at night. I would get on my knees and pour out my heart to Him asking Him to help me get out of the mess I was in.

A Christian ministry named Gideon’s Brothers reached out to me one day. They were handing out free Bibles and study guides to any inmates who were interested. I accepted their gift and began reading through the Scriptures. For the first time I began to see that there was more to God than I was experiencing.

When I was released from prison the first place I landed was an Orthodox church. I lit a candle and thanked God for protecting me in prison. Despite what I had been learning about God I returned to drugs. I could not hold a job because of my drug habit and spiraled down into a deep depression. I had no money. I did not even have a girlfriend, parents, or friends who would take care of me. Pretty soon I was living out on the streets.

One of my closest ‘druggy’ friends had begun attending a church and had joined a Christian rehab center. He invited me to attend a service explaining that it was different than other churches I had attended. I decided to go to a service one night and soon discovered that he was right! I was completely shocked by the freedom and love I saw.

I met several former addicts who had been worshiping and singing praises to God during the service. They told me about a Christian rehab center they had been through and asked if I wanted to join. Based on the freedom I saw in them I signed up that very day! All I had was the clothes on my back but I didn’t care because for the first time in many years I felt hope.

While at the rehab I had a real encounter with the Lord and experienced true salvation for the first time. It was not an intellectual agreement with something true but a heart response that led me to a complete transformation. I felt the Lord call me to leave all my old ways and follow Him. No one but Jesus could transform the thieving, conniving, drug addict that I was into what I am today. I am so thankful that He has saved me despite of me.


Kolpino Evangelism Concert

StreetCry recently took part in an evangelism outreach in a suburb of St. Petersburg known as Kolpino. A free indoor concert was staged at a cultural center with the Sons of Thunder Band and Bethesda each playing a set of songs geared towards youth. A large crowd of 250 – 300 young people turned out for the event.

After the concert a few people shared their testimonies and a short salvation message was given. Following the altar call two people came forward and accepted Jesus into their lives. A pastor of a church in Kolpino reported that 7 youth who were at the concert attended his church the following Sunday. Three of these came forward and accepted Christ after the service. This was our first evangelism concert of the year. We look forward to many more in the months ahead.

New Believer at StreetCry

We are thankful for every salvation that takes place at StreetCry and wanted to share about one that occurred recently. A young woman named Natasha came forward and accepted Christ at the end of a Saturday night worship service. She was first contacted by two school of ministry students while they were out witnessing. Natasha grew up in Kazakhstan and moved to St. Petersburg a number of years ago and now works as a volleyball coach. Please pray for her as she starts out on her new life as a Christian.

Prayer Points for April:

  • For the new believers in Kolpino and at StreetCry
  • Financial supply and increased fruitfulness of the new café and bookstore
  • Spiritual growth of School of Ministry students and staff
  • Wisdom and understanding for leadership team
  • Physical and spiritual protection for entire ministry
  • Spiritual breakthrough in St. Petersburg and Russia
  • Righteousness, peace, and joy for everyone in the ministry
  • Wisdom, compassion, boldness and power for evangelism ministry
  • Abundant supply of finances for the advancement of the Kingdom of God