July 09, 2007

John Paul Jackson's Interview with John and Sara on AWE WebTV

During John and Sara's recent visit to the US they were invited to appear on John Paul Jackson's webTV show 'AWE' for an interview about StreetCry Ministries. Below we've posted the video of that interview:

To find out more about John Paul Jackson and Streams Ministries we encourage you to check out his website at www.streamsministries.com.

July 04, 2007

Summer Evangelism Kicks-Off

Every year in the month of June StreetCry undergoes a shift with the heralding of the summer evangelism season. The primary focus of ministry becomes the twice weekly evangelism concerts held at various locations around the city. This is a time of year eagerly anticipated by everyone at the ministry for the unique opportunity to present the gospel to larger amounts of people at one time.

During these months, the newsletter will take on a slightly different format and focus primarily on news regarding evangelism. We will also now be posting photos from each outreach online for all to see. The address for viewing the web album is picasaweb.google.com/streetcryinfo.

The Anatomy of an Evangelism Concert

The following is a brief walk-through of what goes on behind the scenes in the planning and execution of a typical concert outreach. Our hope is that through reading this article you catch the vision for a method of evangelism we’ve found to be effective here in Russia.

Each concert requires the coordinated efforts of about 15 - 20 people from the ministry. Besides the work the band does in preparation, gifted volunteers and staff work together to do the job of setting up and tearing down the sound equipment, security, prayer, administration, personal witnessing, designing and making tracts, audio and video recording, and more.

The preferred strategic location for concerts is metro stops and parks where higher volumes of foot traffic tend to occur. When a location is decided on, signed permission is required from the city administration for setting up the sound equipment. This is essential as police officers are often on site checking that the appropriate paperwork is in order.

Leading up to and during each outreach prayer plays a critical role in what happens. In addition to the regular prayer meetings occurring throughout the week at the ministry, there is an army of prayer warriors committed to supporting StreetCry around the globe. We have found that the effectiveness of each outreach is largely dependent on the prayer invested.

On the day of the concert the band meets for a couple of hours in the morning to play through the chosen songs. After practice the band and many of the volunteers and staff meet for a time of focused prayer. Once prayer concludes priority becomes transporting all of the gear and sound equipment to the site for setup.

The time it takes to load the van, transport to the site, unload and set up can take a crew up to three hours and must be executed on time to make use of the limited time frame given to hold the concert. As the stage area and sound equipment take shape curious spectators tend to gather in anticipation of a free concert. Crowds ranging from 50 - 200 people can turn out for a concert largely depending on weather and location.

Each concert lasts two hours and includes high energy music, a drama, testimonies and at times prophetic and healing ministry. Also while the concert is going on volunteers are stationed throughout area passing out gospel tracts to passersby. Each element harmonizes to clearly communicate the gospel message and confront people with the hope that there is more to life than what the world is offering.

At the end of the presentation band members walk out to join the others in personally witnessing to people in the crowd. Leaders from various drug rehab centers partnered with StreetCry are also available to provide information for addicts to receive rehabilitation.

Hopefully through reading this article you have gained some insight into part of what is happening during the summer months at StreetCry. Thanks to all of you who regularly support the ministry through prayer and donations.

Evangelism News

Highlights from July

At the beginning of the month we held an evangelism concert at metro Kupchino, a place notorious for drug activity. During the concert a strong salvation message was given with several former heroin addicts sharing their testimonies. We were informed later that EIGHTEEN addicts who attended the concert came for rehabilitation the following week at a local Christian rehab we work with.

Later in the month during the outreach at Muzhestva Square a young teenage boy was touched by the love of God and then decided to attend Church at StreetCry the following day. During the service he received an accurate prophetic word including specific details about his life which convicted him of the reality of God. After the service he came forward for prayer and confessed that as the result of a difficult upbringing he had made numerous failed attempts at suicide. He then repented and accepted Jesus as his savior.

At this concert and others throughout the month many others have made decisions to follow Jesus. As we follow up with these people and begin the discipleship process please remember us and them in your prayers.

Karelia Ministry Trip

This past month the evangelism band and a few others from StreetCry made a 600km trek north from St. Petersburg to the Republic of Karelia (an autonomous region of Russia bordering Finland). While there they put on an evangelism concert and were also invited to host an evening of intercession and impartation at a local church. The trip was a great opportunity to share the gospel with people in a region plagued with alcoholism and drugs and also encourage believers to be courageous being the light.

Evangelism Photo Albums for July:

(Click on each location to view a photo album from that concert)

The Republic of Karelia, Victory Park, Muzhestva Square, Kupchino Metro Station, Black River Park

Other News

Intercession Conference

StreetCry recently had the blessing of hosting Colleen Sherman of Streams Ministries for three days of practical teaching on intercession. Colleen pointed out that the call to intercession is not just for a select few, but is for all believers. Many have noticed a difference in their personal prayer lives and we are seeing a great impact in the effectiveness of our prayer in the ministry. One of our team members mentioned that while some just simply teach information, Colleen imparted what she knows and lives.

A Note from John:

For the past 9 months we have had the privilege of having Chris and Crystal Loewen from Canada working with us. Chris has streamlined our newsletter making it more readable and creative. Crystal has helped get our correspondence with intercessors and donors back on track. They have also been instrumental in teaching and activating our students in the prophetic and healing, and have gone on a number of evangelism and teaching outreaches in St Petersburg and other cities. They will be returning to Canada near the end of July, as they prepare for the birth of their first child and continue to seek the Lord for the next step of their journey with Jesus. They have accomplished much in the short time they have been here, more than I can say here and probably more in nine months than anyone who has previously worked with us. They will be truly missed.

John Russell
Director StreetCry Ministries

Prayer Points for July:

  • For an effective School of Ministry Outreach while students are away in Southern Russia
  • Power and anointing for street evangelism concerts taking place in St. Petersburg
  • Financial supply and increased fruitfulness for the ministry
  • Spiritual growth of school of ministry students and staff
  • Wisdom and understanding for the leadership team
  • Physical and spiritual protection for the entire ministry
  • Spiritual breakthrough in St. Petersburg and Russia
  • Righteousness, peace, and joy for everyone in the ministry
  • Abundant supply of finances for the advancement of the Kingdom of God