Evangelism Concert at Prospect Prosveshenya Metro Station
Our evangelism band “Sons of Thunder” ministered to a group of several hundred and many passer bys heard the message of the love of God and testimonies of how Jesus transformed the lives of drug addicts. Many people experienced the touch of the Holy Spirit and stayed after the concert for personal fellowship with us. Thank you all who prayed for salvation of Marina – the girl working at MacDonald’s restaurant who was supernaturally healed of a brain tumor by the prayer of her colleague - our church member. She is still healthy and the doctors took her off the list of the patients whose condition they keep monitoring. She came to this concert with two of her girl friends; they stayed for fellowship and as the result, Marina decided to repent and gave her heart to Jesus (see the picture below right).
Personal Witnessing
One of our church members Sveta recently met a former classmate on the street. Sveta found out that the girl had been taking drugs for a number of years and now was involved in prostitution. Sveta shared the Gospel with her. The girl had serious problems with her health due to infecting her veins with dirty needles: abscesses and high fever. Having no means for obtaining medical assistance the girl was in miserable condition. Sveta offered her prayer for healing. The girl accepted and several days later testified of a strong divine intervention in her life – the wounds speedily healed up. As she put it “I know only God could do it!” Please join us in prayer for this girl’s surrendering her life to Jesus, the Only One who can really set her free and cleanse her from all the bondages and addictions. The girl’s name is Natasha. Last month one girl (Marina) was healed of a brain tumor – and this month she received Jesus. We are praying for Natasha’s repentance to follow her healing also.
The start of the School of Ministry
The year has begun in our School of Ministry with a time of intensive worship and intercession, dedicating ourselves afresh to God, opening up our hearts and lives for Jesus to change us, transform into His image and equip us for effective life of service to Him. In the following issues of the Newsletter you will be able to meet each of our students more personally – you will find their testimonies in the STUDENT’S SPOTLIGHT. The last year graduates are actively participating in ministry. Some got involved in our children’s church – we are now having street children coming to our services through an orphanage, and our children’s pastor is grateful for the new workers in this field. Other graduates are leading worship, teaching new converts, leading home groups and helping to broaden our work as missionaries to Estonia. Thank you for your prayers for them to find their place in the Body of Christ!
”Floods Upon a Dry Ground” book by Charles Schmitt published in Russian
Pastor Charles’s fundamental, deep and clear understanding of the progression of the move of the Holy Spirit on Earth throughout the ages of the Church history is a tremendous asset and a great encouragement for the Christian community in Russia where a good book on the Church history is hard to find and evangelical churches are still in many places labeled dangerous sects, mocked and persecuted by general public, especially the ones who believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues, moving in miracles, healings, prophecy and other Spiritual gifts. We are filling many orders already and are praying that the book reaches and feeds every hungry soul throughout our vast land and the neighboring Russian speaking countries.
Prayer Points for October:
- Please pray for righteousness, peace, and joy for everyone in our church; physical and spiritual protection for the entire ministry;
- Unity, love and wisdom for the leadership team ;
- Compassion, boldness, power and fruitfulness for evangelism ;
- Spiritual growth of the girls currently in rehab and the Lord’s grace and anointing for the staff to effectively minister to them and to further develop our rehabilitation program;
- For fruitful training and equipping season in the School of Ministry;
- For the breakthrough with an abundant supply of finances for the advancement of the Kingdom of God;
- For direction, anointing and grace in the pioneering work in the neighboring nation of Estonia.
Thank you so very much for your prayers and continued support of our work here! We especially thank all of you who responded to our urgent financial need and would like to ask to prayerfully consider helping on a regular basis.
God bless and keep you,
Your StreetCry family