April 21, 2012

May 2012

My name is Svetlana Moroz or simply Lana. Im 29 years old, a University graduate in nursing, a Russian citizen and part of StreetCry Ministries started by John and Sara Russell in Russia. I came to Jesus as a teenager on the streets of St. Petersburg.

In 2009 I had an opportunity to go to Mozambique in Africa to participate in ministry there.  I found poverty, disease, pain and hopelessness. When I returned to Russia, in my mind I could remember many kids' faces and varying life stories.  After praying for these kids on the regular basis I felt I had to return to Mozambique to serve them again. In October 2010 I left  Russia again for 1 year and served as a nurse-volunteer at one of the bases of  Roland and Heidi Baker's Iris Ministries in Mozambique.

It was a children's center for 280 babies and kids. I worked there as a nurse and helped in the clinic which was also open to local community people.
Besides prayer and love,  I helped with buying medicine, medical consultations, and massage therapy for suffering kids with special needs. 

I love to do evangelism, so when I had free time I went to the local neighborhood, or garbage dump, or hospital to pray for and witness to people about Jesus.

After a year serving at the base in Zimpeto, I had an opportunity to go to IRIS Mission school in Pemba. I liked the time there very much, especially the practical part when we did outreaches in villages, where we preached from house to house, prayed for the sick, helped with  medical needs, and showed "Jesus" film. So many people came to the Lord, blind started to see, deaf received hearing, crippled started  to walk. So many people got healed, and we could see the Gospel at work.

At the end of May, 2012,  I’m planning to return to the mission school in Pemba where I have been accepted as a staff member. I will be leading outreaches in villages, giving medical help and serving young missionaries who come to the mission school for training.

I am very much in need of your prayers and financial support.

My expenses are:
  •  Airfare – $2000 r/t
  •   Mandatory Medical insurance for 6 months$200
  •  $400 per month to live a simple life style (western missionaries have $1500 or more)
  • Once every three months I have to travel to renew my visa. So I need to leave Mozambique and stay in a hotel and eat on the road for a week and the cost is $300-400 depending on what hotel is available.
  • Every month I also need to go to the border to put a stamp in my passport – it costs $30.
  •  Malaria prevention meds and other first aid meds - $300

I am very thankful for any help, and support, and prayers for me. If God puts on your heart to help, both large one time donations as well as monthly pledges will be appreciated. Checks can be made to StreetCry marked AFRICA or Lana Moroz.

Thank you, and may He bless you richly with His love!

Lana Moroz