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December 17, 2017
StreetCry Newsletter, December, 2017
November 15, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!
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September 25, 2017
StreetCry Newsletter, September, 2017
Dear Friends and Family!
Blessings to all of you! Sara and I make it a point to pray for you and bless you and your families and churches daily. We are very thankful for your encouragement and support.
Summer has come and gone! We have had several wonderful weeks of rest, ministering in churches and receiving coffee training for our student cafe. We hope you have had some time off and have enjoyed the beautiful summer this year as well.

For the last two years John and I have been in the US taking care of John's dad, visiting Estonia and Russia occasionally, while leaving the church and cafe in Tallinn, Estonia in the hands of the Lord and our faithful family there. When we came here we felt that it was the Lord's leading and knew God had a purpose and a plan. Someone recently asked me two questions: what was the most beautiful thing and what was the most challenging thing that happened during these two years. As I am writing this the answer came to mind.
One of my favorite passages of scripture is John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last - so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." From the very beginning of my walk with the Lord I wanted to bear fruit for Him, especially fruit that will remain, that will last, forever. One of the only things that will last forever would be a soul that I was able to lead to Christ through their repentance and acceptance of Christ's lordship. It is great joy when one more person will not experience separation from the love and the light of the Father God.
Many years ago while on the mission field in Russia, John was getting concerned about his aging parents, about their eternity. After all these years they still were not born again. At the time he was wondering if he should leave the field and go take care of his mom. In prayer the Lord spoke to him saying: If you take care of My children, I will take care of your parents. As we stayed faithful to the work in Russia and later in Estonia, the Lord has been faithful to His promise and worked on John's parents' hearts until the day of salvation.
As you know his mom received the Lord into her heart last August on her birthday and the Lord spoke to John that morning that today is the day of her salvation. It was a similar situation with his dad when on Christmas morning John felt the same urge to share the Christmas message and the message of salvation with his dad. It was this past Christmas when he gave his heart to Jesus. A few months later, May 30th, John's dad passed away at the age of 98. We were very sad but we knew he is going to a better place where there is no pain, no worries, and every tear will be wiped away by our Lord Jesus!
The most beautiful thing that happened is that two souls will be able to spend their eternity with our loving heavenly Father!
Leaving the mission field and the work that was so young in the hands of others, trusting God that He will guide them, was the most challenging thing for me. I had to learn what Paul wrote with such confidence , faith and trust that comes from knowing who our God is, to the church in Ephesus. Acts 20:32 "Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified."
I realized that our job was to pray for the young leaders to be willing vessels through whom God's Spirit can flow and achieve God's purposes, in whom God's word can work and build them up so they can get a hold of the inheritance with all the saints, and be sanctified by the fiery trials that they go through.
Now John and I are in the process of taking care of legal business of his dad's estate and praying for our next step and possible next mission field. We would appreciate your prayers for us to know what our next steps are, which haven't been fully revealed to us yet. We have several countries on our hearts as far as our next place. At the same time we are still overseeing the work in Tallinn, and involved in Russia during Christmas time.
We can truly say that these two years with John's dad have been fruitful for us. We have learned many lessons. Having worked for years with young people we really didn't understand the heart of God for the elderly until we got to the hills of West Virginia. The Bible says in Eph. 6:2 "Honor your father and your mother" - which is the first commandment with a promise - "so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." We have been truly blessed beyond measure. During these two years we have made new friends here in WV and were able to lead a Bible study at a local church and at home helping people to grow closer to God.
Our daughter Katya who oversees the cafe ministry and Imre Kuller, the pastor of our church in Estonia, came to the US and spent a few weeks with us. Beside the rest that they needed after quite a difficult year, they also went through two trainings for the coffee shop and had opportunities to minister in a couple of churches.

(Cupping) (Sorting coffee beans)
They were also able to participate in the local event " Praise in the Park" where we had a divine appointment with some very precious Christian brothers who are now dear friends. The Lord gave John an opportunity to speak into the life of a man, who is starting a rehab center in the area.
During July we visited some of our old friends and churches in WV and VA. There were so many others that we haven't been able to visit yet, but still hope to. We wanted to say THANK YOU for your hospitality, for opening your hearts, your churches and homes to us. We were very blessed by the fellowship and openness of hearts. The conversations that we had with you ministered encouragement to us. It was good to hear how the Lord brought some of you through some deep waters and fire and blessed you at the end as He has done with us as well.

(Visiting a farm, cupping)
Katya and Imre are back in Tallinn and recently celebrated the 5th anniversary of the cafe's opening. THANK YOU, TEAM FROM WALES, for helping in so many ways during your visit! We pray that during this new season the Lord opens many hearts to receive and obey the gospel.

(Coffee break after going out on the streets)
"The Living Room is so much more then a coffee shop. Within a second of walking in, it felt like home. Their drinks and food are some of the best you will find in Tallinn, but it is the people that really set this place apart. They have become family to us, and love us so well! I can promise they will love you too. Also don't forget to ask about their free spiritual menu.

A couple of weeks ago we received an urgent prayer request from Natasha and Lana. They asked us to pray for three orphaned sisters ages 10-16 who lived in a local red-light area and were abused by people around them. Natasha and Lana met them at their Christmas outreach and have been meeting with them ever since.
Their mother abandoned them when the youngest was four months old. They stayed with and were cared for by a neighbor until she died four years ago, then by the lady's son who grew tired of them being around. In India these girls are called "invisible children". They have no relatives or documents or any legal guardian.
Finally after much prayer, danger, beatings and threats all three girls are out of the red light area! They are staying at a transition home for a few days, after that they will be moving to Hope Foundation, a home supported by donations with much higher standards than government homes. Natasha and Lana have connections there, so they will be able to visit the girls.
Even though the sisters were abused in that area, they seem to be very attached to people there. Please pray for their hearts and a smooth transition, continue to pray for them to be placed in a Christian home.
What a week they had!! (from Nat & Lana)
- leading and guiding of the Lord for John and Sara for their next destination
- speedy settlement of the estate, selling of property
- wisdom and discernment for future decision making
- fruitful evangelism ministry at the Living Room cafe
- salvation of souls in Estonia
- spiritual and physical strength for the leadership in Estonia
- spiritual growth of the church members
- protection of the ministry and our missionaries in India
- fruitfulness of the work in India
- for young Indian girls, their transition time and a Christian home
- provision for all of the financial needs
- coffee roaster for the cafe (this will help lower our costs considerably)
- new (used) vehicle for the ministry (our once trusty 2002 Toyota has well over 250,000 km and needs to go into retirement)
- new stove for the kitchen (ours is a used home stove, we need industrial
- furniture
Thank you so much for your faithful support, for your continual prayers for us and the ministry! Thank you for staying in touch with us by sending your responses to our newsletters. We appreciate when you let us know how things are going with you all as well!
Thanks and God bless!
John & Sara Russell,
and The Living Room Fellowship team
for StreetCry Ministries & The Living Room Fellowship
May 01, 2017
Dear Friends,
Greetings from John and Sara and the Living Room Fellowship! It has been a while since we shared what is happening in the ministry. Sara returned to the US a few weeks ago after spending three months in Estonia, Russia and Sweden.
Thank you for your prayers, especially for Sara, Katya and family at the time of the loss of Sara's mom who passed away at 85 on April 8th. While in Russia during the Christmas season, Katya and I (Sara) were able to visit my mom who lived a thousand kilometers from St. Petersburg. She had not seen Katya for 9 years. It was a short but good visit, and we were able to talk to her about the Lord and remind her about God’s love. Over the past years my mom had issues with her heart, and every time I came to see her she would say that it would be the last time we see each other.
Upon returning to Tallinn we got busy with the work at the café and the church. A few weeks later I was back on the train to Russia as my mom had a stroke, was partially paralyzed, affecting her right side and her speech. After spending two days in the hallway of the hospital because of the lack of bedspace she was finally transferred to a room where she received treatment for 15 days. Upon being released she was staying with my sister, and seemed to be getting better. I returned to Tallinn and then to the US. Shortly thereafter she had another stroke, and was not able to recover.
Previously my mom had a dream of Jesus coming to her and calling her to follow Him. She had prayed with me years ago to receive Jesus, and I have hope to see her again. I want to apologize for not communicating with some of you about my mom's passing. During this time in my life the Lord has been reminding me that no matter what our troubles are, no matter what we are going through, His character is always LOVE, He doesn’t change! If He can hold this world by the power of His Word, then He can hold this moment in my life. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, “Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
I am very thankful that trials and tribulations carry God’s purpose into our lives. I choose to praise God in my situation, for He is good and His love endures forever.
While in Russia the second time I was able to lead my Muslim aunt to the Lord. She had stage four cancer and asked me to pray for her to “my God”. I said that I would, but also told her that she can pray with me to Him because He loves her and sent His Son Jesus to die for her sins. He wants to forgive her and receive her into the life to come. As I was explaining this to her another relative interupted trying to end our conversation saying "we are Muslims". I told her that it is my aunt facing eternity right now, and there is a choice to be made by her now where she will spend it. At this moment my aunt said with a strong conviction, ” Sara speaks the truth!” After that I prayed with her to receive Jesus. She passed away on April 1st, a week before my mother.
Since returning to Tallinn things slowly picked up in the coffee shop. Every day we get to serve a lot of people, talk about Jesus and pray for people. On the slower days in the winter months the Lord would still bring people to the café to remind us what we are there for: to reach people with God’s love, to be a witness of His power, and to let His name be known.
On a couple of occasions the Lord brought people in who came specifically for prayer or for prophetic ministry rather than to eat or to have coffee. A Christain girl came and asked us if we can pray for her and if we get anything from the Lord, she would really like to hear it. Katya shared with her a specific word about a decision that she needs to make regarding school. The girl was very excited because she didn’t tell us what to pray for, Katya didn’t know anything about her praying to the Lord about a specific school. The Lord was assuring her that the school that was on her heart was the right one to pursue.
It is always an exciting thing for us to be able to witness any miracle that the Lord does and especially one of salvation. One Sunday a family came to our church service from another town across Estonia. The father was asking if John was there since he wanted to see and talk to him. John had met this man (Tõnis) on the street several months ago and talked to him about the Lord. Tõnis came to church that day months ago and John had ministered to him. Now the man brought his whole family to church.
After the service we had time to pray for people's needs, fellowship, and get to know visitors. One of our brothers, Indrek started talking with Tonis' daughter Kaisa about healing. Kaisa mentioned that she had back problems because of one of her legs being noticeably shorter than the other. Indrek and Imre started commanding her leg to grow, and to the girls’ amazement in front of their eyes her leg started to grow longer. She was very excited as were the guys who prayed for her, she began shouting, “It grew, it grew!!!”
We started asking her if she had an experience with the Lord, and she told us that she had been to church a couple of times. I told her that the Lord knows that she is searching for the truth and she will find it. She said that it was true. Then I told my testimony of how coming to the Lord and giving my life to Him was the best decision ever. Then I asked her if she wanted to know Jesus and give Him her life, and she said yes. It happened so fast, she was hungry to know the TRUTH. The truth is in Jesus. Jesus is the truth. That day we and the angels, who are in heaven, rejoiced because one more sinner repented and gave their life to the Lord. In Lk. 15:10 Jesus said, “…I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." It pays to stop and talk to people around us when the Lord prompts us to do it. A girl’s soul is saved because somebody had the time months ago to talk to her father on the street.
Every morning we get together for prayer before we start work. As we were finishing I saw an older man walking back and forth in front of our coffee shop. I thought he needed help with directions. I came out and started asking questions. The man looked very disturbed, anxious, lost, I would say. As we talked, I found out that he was definitely LOST. He knew his name, but he didn’t have any documents or know where he lived. He knew that he left his home last night, police picked him up late at night wandering the streets of Tallinn, and they took him to a shelter for homeless people to spend the night there and in the morning dropped him off at the office of the Department of Social Help, next to our coffee house. His name was Nikolai.
We invited him to the café, gave him some food to eat and a cup of hot tea. Nikolai kept showing me keys to his apartment, saying the first name of the guy he was staying with, not remembering the name of the street or the area of town he lived in. The situation was quite difficult because it seemed that this older man had a serious condition of memory loss. He kept saying, 'Somebody has to help me, somebody has to help me!" I called the police for advice and was told that they have no way of finding out where he lived. We tried contacting Social Services but their office was closed that day. The poor man kept saying, "Somebody has to help me!" I was overwhelmed and the only thing I could say was, " God loves you and He knows where you live. We can pray with you and see if the Lord shows us where you live so we can find your home". We prayed together, and Nikolai and I got on the tram. We were praying as we were riding the tram. At some point he said, “I remember a grocery store that is across from my house. Here it is!” We got off the tram and there was his house! He was excited and almost running to the door to show me that his keys worked with that door. I made sure he got in.
We never know who we are going to meet and if we are going to answer a simple call: "Somebody has to help me! " My husband often says, "We can’t get too busy "in ministry" that we don’t have time to minister to people!"
Two young men came to the coffee shop. One of them was familiar to us since he came a couple times prior to this visit. His name is Rauno. Straight away he asked to borrow 10 euros to buy gasoline. He said his car was around the corner, he ran out of gas and that’s what the 10 euros was for. I knew that his story was not truthful, but I felt I should do it and I said, ” Yes, we can give you 10 euros.” He promised that he would bring it back tomorrow. I told him that it is between him and God because the money I gave him belongs to the Lord. That led to a conversation about the Lord and how in times of trouble Rauno seemed to always meet people who tell him about Jesus.
Tomorrow came and went and Rauno didn’t keep his promise. A couple of weeks later he showed up at the café again, he was very troubled and asked if he can have a word with me in private. Rauno started to confess that he lied to me about the car, and that for a long time he has had this problem with lying and deceiving people for money. He told me that he didn’t want to do it any more, he needed help. He was in even bigger trouble. He “borrowed” $30,000 and the man he borrowed money from was now pressing charges against him. I was not mad at Rauno, I felt God’s compassion for him. He was deeply trapped in sin and didn’t have the power to break it. I told him that I forgive him for the 10 euros, and God will forgive him for his sins if he asks Him, and repents of anything he has done against God or people, and gives his life to Him. Jesus and only Jesus can help him to overcome lying and can break this bondage, and make him and his life totally new. As he prayed together with me to receive Jesus, he was crying and desperate to be different, to be free. We prayed that whatever God allows in his life from now on, whether it means being pardoned, get a job and start paying off his debt or going to prison, he will accept it. A few weeks later he brought a bouquet of flowers to thank me. He found a job and worked it out with the man he robbed to pay him back.
Rauno has a lot to learn, please pray that he would be able to choose the right path every day. Jesus said,” I am the way, the truth and the life…” We pray Rauno keeps choosing Jesus.

On March 24-26th the Lighthouse Church in Vasteras, Sweden held a Youth Conference. The theme of the conference “IN HIM” was based on Ephesians 1. We would like to thank Daniel Steen and his church for inviting us to minister at this conference. Thank you for providing financially for this whole trip, thank you everyone volunteering at the conference and making breakfast for us every morning. We were very blessed. It was a blessing to have Victor and Anna, and also Natasha all the way from India to join us as team members, for their input into the ministry.

(It was sunny but very windy that weekend)
Saturday morning our team was leading the morning session, sharing the Word followed by worship and prayer. We sensed the hunger and expectation from God among the young people.

(Anna Avdyakov interpreting for Imre)
Imre shared a short message of coming to the Lord when he was young, falling away from Him as a teenager, returning to Him at the age of 19, and his journey ever since. He talked about how after coming back to the Lord he was trying to serve Him as much as he knew how and as much as he can see and learn from people around him. He was trying to be like all those people and the people he read in Christian books, worship leaders that he saw on the internet and videos but still not being fulfilled and not knowing who he really was in Christ. Finally he met somebody that taught him the importance of knowing the Word of God, the priority of God’s presence in his life, loving to spend more time with God rather than people and trying to copy others' relationship with the Lord. Imre said, “That’s when I started to truly be changed, in God’s presence”. He loves being in the presence of God because only the Lord and His Spirit can change us. 2 Cor. 3:17-18 says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
After that we started worshiping the Lord and the young people responded to the call to use this opportunity to get closer to the Lord, to get to know Him better, to be changed. A lot of the young people were face down on the floor, crying out to God, worshiping Him in the beauty of His presence (see the pictures below). His presence was very intense.

One of the girls stayed on her knees for a long time weeping before the Lord. Anna and I came up to her to see if she needed prayer. "I am just so hungry for God", she said. We knew she was OK, because the Lord was answering her prayer and increasing her hunger for Him (left photo below).

After worship we led a seminar on prophetic ministry (right photo above), and had a group session to help activate people in their gifts. Many young people were encouraged in knowing that they can hear God and are able to use their gifts to serve others in the church and also outside of it. A lot of young people shared with us afterward that what happened during morning service influenced further worship services and the rest of the conference. They felt a different level of God’s presence. At the same time as we ministered to others we have been blessed also, people shared prophetic words that encouraged us.
The highlight of the trip to Sweden was the opportunity itself to be there. I made a decision to fly to Sweden from India for two days of conference - and I believe that sometimes the Lord takes us a long way even if it is to bless just one or two people. The very first night Anna and I came up to a woman, and the presence of God was very thick around her. It's been a while since I experienced it in such a strong way. As we were praying for her the Lord showed me different things about her calling, gifts and anointing. One of the things I sensed was that she had a healing anointing and I saw a picture of her laying hands on disabled children and they were getting healed. We all agreed in prayer and declared those things over her. After we were done, she shared that all of the things were accurate and that she was actually a physiotherapist working with disabled children. WOW! God is amazing!
The second day we got a chance to share prophetic words one-on-one between sessions. I shared with about ten people and for most of them it was either an encouragement or confirmation of things going on in their lives. I also got a word for a girl I saw in the crowd. I was reminded of a Scripture where Jesus called out to Peter to walk on water (Math. 14: 22-33). It says that the boat with the disciples was "a considerable distance from land" (v. 24) when Jesus told Peter, "Come!" (v. 29). I felt that a long time ago God had called her and she said "yes" and that currently she was in the boat in the middle of the sea and Jesus was calling her to come. After I shared it she told me that several years ago she planned to go to the Philippines to be a missionary, however she had to postpone the move because she and her husband found out they were expecting a baby. This word of knowledge reminded her of the promise she gave to the Lord and confirmed that it was time for them to go.
I was very blessed and happy to be part of the team and minister to people prophetically!
In the last Newsletter we were asking you to join us in prayer for our sister Olga from St. Petersburg, Russia. She had problems with her blood pressure. Since then Olga has been doing well, her blood pressure is now normal. She is very thankful to the Lord that He intervened in her situation and brought healing. Thank you so much for your prayers.
- spiritual growth of every member of the church
- growth of the church in membership
- wisdom for leadership team how to pastor and lead the church
- fruitful evangelism at the coffee shop and outside the church
- salvation of Estonian people
- provision of financial needs
- protection from sicknesses during changing weather
- strength for the staff of the church and at the cafe
- finances for the staff to travel to the US during summer
- coffee roaster for the cafe (this will help lower our costs considerably)
- new (used) vehicle for the ministry (our once trusty 2002 Toyota has well over 250,000 km and needs to go into retirement)
- new stove for the kitchen (ours is a used home stove, we need industrial)
- electric fryer
- furniture
Thanks and God bless!
John & Sara Russell,
and The Living Room Fellowship team
for StreetCry Ministries & The Living Room Fellowship
February 01, 2017

Dear friends and family!
First of all we would like to thank all of you for your prayers and your generous giving over the Christmas time. We were able to have wonderful Christmas Feed-ins in Tallinn and in Russia. Now we are back in Tallinn, the coffee shop has reopened for a few weeks now. When I (Sara) walked into the cafe, immediately I felt at home. I was touched by an overwhelming peace that was in the atmosphere. I got very excited as joy filled my heart. I am excited to be in Tallinn, even though it is for a short time, I am happy to be a help to the small staff. I was just reminded what a privilege it is to serve the King of kings and His people, and the lost.
We would like to share with you some testimonies.
John's dad coming to the Lord
As some of you heard, my 98 year old Dad came to the Lord on Christmas day. Hallelujah! This follows my 94 year old Mom praying with Sara and I to give her heart to Jesus on her birthday in August 2015. Both times the Lord prepared my heart by telling me that now is the time. Instead of resistance, changing the subject or other distractions, my Dad said yes after we read the Christmas story together from Luke as the Lord instructed me to do. Coming from a non-Christian home of divorce, strife, alcoholism, violence, premature death of family members and general dysfunction, it was a blessing to see GOD do something that I would have been unable to do in a million years! All thanks and glory to God.
The Living Room Fellowship
While we were ministering in Russia, Natasha who was visiting from India, stayed in Estonia. She was able to preach and share about the Christmas celebration that she and Lana organised in India.

Natasha writing:
“Before the sermon we usually share words of knowledge with new people, and I received several words for a young man (Henri) that came to our church for the first time. After the service he came up to me and asked how I get these words and if I can get few more words for him. We prayed together, and afterward I shared some more prophetic words with him. After that we started talking about hearing God’s voice, and I told him that it is possible if we give our lives to Him and start walking in His ways. After about an hour long conversation I asked him if he would like to invite Jesus into his heart. He agreed, and Hans-Kristjan (a member of our church) lead him in a sinner’s prayer, then we gave him a Bible. The next day Henri left for Moscow to continue his studies.”
Since then we have been in communication with him. He continues to read his Bible, asks questions and is very hungry to know more of the Lord and His ways. Currently he is looking for a church to attend in Moscow where services are done in English.
First Day in The Coffee Shop after Christmas Break
On that day an older man entered the coffee shop, Natasha saw that he was limping and asked him if she could pray for his healing. The man's name was Rana.
Natasha writing:
“Rana told me that in 2010 he broke his left leg, and afew years later he broke his right leg, and since then he never completely recovered. As Dasha and I were praying for him I felt that his life was in ruins but the Lord wanted to restore everything that was destroyed. I shared it with Rana, and he told me that he used to to be a chef and helped to open several successful Nepali and Indian restaurants in Estonia, showed me several articles about him in two national newspapers Eesti Ekspress and Eesti Postimees and pictures of his wife and a son who now live in Finland. However, who I saw in front of me was a broken lonely man with obvious drinking problems. I shared the Gospel with him and lead him in a prayer of salvation. After the prayer his countenance changed and he seemed happier. We gave him a New Testament, encouraged him to read it and invited him to church.”
Witnessing at the cafe
Before we start our work every morning we pray together for each other, for the fruitful day and divine opportunities to share the Gospel with people who come. One morning Imre was praying that the Lord would give us opportunity to share prophetic words with people. As the day went by we all forgot what we asked the Lord earlier this day. We were finishing our work and clean up as a young man entered the cafe and ordered some food. Then he asked us about our Spiritual menu, he seemed to be very intrigued by it. We gave him a short explanation, and he wanted us to pray for him and minister prophetically. After we prayed and shared with him, he was open to prayer for his healing since he told us that he suffers form anxiety and depression.
He was very thankful.
We continued to pray for divine appointments. Last week there were two girls. One of them started looking at some of the books on our bookshelf. There were not that many customers at the cafe and I (Sara) came up to the girl and asked her if she found anything interesting to read. She said there were a couple of interesting books. One was "Not Just a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell and another "When God Walked the Earth" by Rick Joyner. Then I asked her and her friend's names. Their names were Miriam and Esther. It was good sign for me and an easy way to start talking about the Lord. We had a long conversation about Jesus, significance of names, and other things. I was also able to share my testimony. At the end we gave them a couple of tracts. We pray for them regularly so that the seed of the Word goes into good ground and bares fruit.
Since then we have had many more witnessing opportunities: there was a group of three young people at the cafe and they had a very intense conversation. I was sitting with a friend next to them and couldn't help but overhear their conversation. I heard the two of the young people talking to the young man named Adam about Christ. They were obviously Christians and they were witnessing to their friend. It was exciting to see other young people sharing the Gospel. Later I found out that they are ballet dancers working in Estonia. I also had a chance to share with Adam from the Bible since he had a lot of questions.
A couple of days ago there were a couple of young people from Belgium sitting in the cafe for the whole day. They ordered only coffee and were sitting and writing things down in a journal. I started talking to the girl, she mentioned that she likes our place, then the conversation continued. They are travelling to different places, couch surfing. We started talking about the coffee shop, they asked how we started it in Tallinn, and we ended up talking about Jesus. At the end of the day I knew they had to be hungry, we offered them some food. They were super thankful, stayed till closing and offered their help. The young man stayed for a Bible class that we had in the evening, he said he is searching for answers. He was listening and paying attention during the class. At the end we prayed for him and his health, since he had a cold. He said he felt almost no pain in his throat after prayer.
New at the Living Room Fellowship
We feel that this year the Lord wants us to grow more spiritually. On Wednesday nights we have started Bible classes with members of the church. We are studying the Gospel of Matthew right now. We feel there is a need to develop our character more and there is an understanding of this need and also great hunger to know the Lord more. Knowing Him brings life to us personally and to people around us.

(Sara is teaching an object lesson with Imre's help)
We have been also invited to Sweden in March to teach on prophetic ministry and also minister there with our team at a youth conference. The invitation itself was a confirmation of something that we wanted and were actually thinking to do. It was amazing to us that we got the invitation. Right now we are praying for our hearts to be ready to minister and for people's hearts to be able to receive everything that the Lord has for them during this time.
Feed-in, Tallinn, Estonia
We were able to host about 100 people during the two days of feed-ins. Students from more than 20 countries came for dinner. There were students from, so to say "Christian countries" like Georgia, and countries that don't celebrate Christmas at all, like India. Every year the atmosphere is different because there is a different group of people that comes. This year it was more relaxed, people were communicating with the band, responding to jokes and making jokes themselves. Both days we had a concert where we played witnessing songs (songs talking about the things people go through, searching songs about what is going on in the heart of man, and also about the heart of God for people and answers He has for them). One thing we have seen, cultural differences aside, the heart of man is the same the world over - seeking for truth, love, acceptance and answers to the many problems only God can fix! In-between the songs we shared our personal testimonies, the true meaning of Christmas and the Gospel. We had many good conversations about Jesus and the Bible.
There were a couple of students from India who could not make it on time because of preparation for an exam, and came at the very end when we were about to clean up. How happy they were when we served them dinner and took the time to talk to them! After dinner one young man who was very thankful for the concert and the dinner we provided said, ''None of the other coffee shops treated us like this". For us it was a privilege to serve people. The Word of God went out into the hearts of people. We continue to pray that the seed of the Word would bare fruit into eternity.
Feed-in, St Petersburg, Russia

On the 2d of January after a few days of rest a team from Tallinn went to St. Petersburg, Russia. On the day of our arrival we started music practice with a local worship team that helps us to minister during the Feed-ins. In previous years the band had to practice in a non- heated garage, this year we had a blessing of practicing in a heated building of one of the churches. The temperature at this time of the year in Russia usually drops way below zero. Last year it was - 28C (- 18.4F), we had major set backs because vehicles that brought food and people to a place of event would not start because of the extreme cold. On the day of the Feed-in it was - 22C (- 7.6F), a little better than last year, and we also spent time in prayer for everything to work properly and our prayers were answered.

(Faithful volunteers)
We had plenty of volunteers from other churches and Christian rehab centers for whom we are very grateful. Without their help it would be difficult to do all the food preparation for 250-300 people.

At the Feed-in this year there were representatives from 15 centers. There were a lot more people who already knew the Lord and because of that, I feel, it was much easier to worship the Lord.

(Prayer and introduction of the leaders and representatives of rehab centers)
Even before worship we could sense the anticipation in the room, I believe people came with spiritual hunger and ready to experience God's presence. During worship you could see people worshiping the Lord with all their heart, dancing before HIm, shouting for joy, because there was an understanding that we were once dead in our sins and now Jesus made us alive. It is always a privilege to worship the Lord with His people.

(Worship and intercession)
We thanked the Lord for the year that passed and prayed for the new year ahead of all of us. We felt that the year of 2017 will be a year of new victories, new level of commitment to the Lord for many. After worship we had dinner that the volunteers prepared, and spent time fellowshipping, witnessing about the Lord to the ones that don't know Him yet, and praying for people. It was very fruitful.

(Praise and worship)
On the weekend we were invited to minister at one of the local churches outside St. Petersburg. When we arrived there, the electricity was off and we were gathered together in a dark room with candles all around. It seemed like we were in a cave in times of the early church. Imre was preaching and at the end gave an altar call. One of the men responded to the call and gave his life to the Lord. (A tall man in the back, wearing a black shirt)

Here is a brief video of our Christmas feed-in and celebration this year in Russia. It was 300 former heroin addicts (men were criminals girls were prostitutes) who are now saved and growing in the Lord.
The people lined up at the front on stage passing the microphone are pastors and leaders of the different Christian rehab centers. They give their name and the name of the center as we try to honor each center every year. All the centers use the "one step program". Step out of the kingdom of darkness into His Kingdom of Light". The balding man with the white goatee is Leoinid a heroin addict for 15 years who tried to kill himself with a gram of heroin and a fifth of liquor. He woke up in the hospital then gave his life to the Lord. He now overseees 3 rehab centers. He graduated from our Bible school as did a number of those in the video. Most on the worship team were addicts, but also among them are Sara, our daughter Katya (thin, long black hair dancing) and the pastor of our church in Tallinn named Imre (white t-shirt, standing, playing the floor tom).
I (John) can never watch what God is doing in Russia without crying. Every year so many getting saved and instantly delivered from drugs!
Hope you are blessed: (to watch please click Download on the right hand side)
Our dear friend and sister in the Lord from St. Petersburg, Russia is in need of prayer for her health. She has been having high blood pressure: 180 over 90, and on Monday during a home group meeting they called for an ambulance. Since then she has been taking some time off work. But it is a sudden change for her as far as her health goes: she has been in pretty good health all this time since getting off of drugs and coming to Jesus 20 years ago. You might remember Olga from our work in St. Petersburg, she has been a faithful co-labourer with us for many years, great evangelist, who loves the Lord and the lost very much. She and we would appreciate your prayers for the restoration of her health.

- spiritual growth of every member of the church
- growth of the church in membership
- wisdom for leadership team how to pastor and lead the church
- fruitful evangelism at the coffee shop and outside the church
- salvation of Estonian people
- fruitful ministry in Sweden, at the youth conference
- provision of financial needs
- protection from sicknesses during cold weather
- strength for the staff of the church and at the cafe
- coffee roaster for the cafe (this will help lower our costs considerably)
- new (used)vehicle for the ministry (our once trusty 2002 Toyota has well over 250,000 km and needs to go into retirement)
- new stove for the kitchen (ours is a used home stove, we need industrial)
- electric fryer
Thanks and God bless!
John & Sara Russell,
and The Living Room Fellowship team
for StreetCry Ministries & The Living Room Fellowship
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