We would like to thank every one of you for your prayers, friendship and financial support!
You are truly our partners who help make our work possible. We owe you all a very big apology for our lack of newsletters and communication during this past year. We are sorry and hope to do much better this year. We have had an astounding year, with quite a few new people giving their lives to Jesus, getting water baptized and baptized in the Holy Spirit. We also have 2 missionaries who spent most of the past year in India, Mozambique and Kenya. One of them, our dear Natasha was taking care of the newsletters and other business. Unfortunately, after she left there was a combination of us being swamped with other ministry work and our total lack of technical ability to send out a newsletter that looked good. We actually wrote 2 of them and were not able to send them out. Natasha just returned for a short time, and we are thankful that she can now help us with this again! On top of that, we have a new brother in Christ, who just gave his life to Jesus at New Year who is a professional IT guy.....more about him in another newsletter.
We are very excited about the things that the Lord is continuing to do here in Tallinn. Adam, a Swedish national and frequenter of our cafe gave his life to Jesus and he comes for Bible reading and classes every weekday. Alexandra, a student prayed to give her life to Jesus as well. We held 2 Christmas feed-ins here at the cafe and were able to witness to 100+ students and pray for a few of them. Vitalek and Madis are coming regularly and are very close to the kingdom. (Vitalek received Jesus on New Years day 2015 -hallelujah!)
In September we began our third school year since opening the coffee shop in the center of Tallinn in 2011. We feel that this year things are picking up speed more and more. We have a totally new group of foreign student as well as new locals, but there are also those that we have gotten to know well during that last two years.So far, we have had 4 young people come to Jesus: Jahna and Eduard who are students and volunters at the cafe; David a model and frequent visitor at the cafe from Costa Rica and Dayara, an exchange student from the Netherlands.
John was teaching on the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit and 3 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit that day. We had so much joy when it happened after the service. Two of them are Estonians, one was David from Costa Rica. We have also started Bible school in September, we have 6 students in the first year and 2 in the second. All of them are volunteering at the coffee shop as well. They are a blessing. The Lord has given us a good team of people, who love the Lord and the lost.
Before we left for the US we completed our school year with water baptism of three young people who received the Lord at the cafe or at our church.
Aldo (picture on the right) - an Italian entrepreneur, whom we met at the coffee shop. We gave him an Italian Bible for his birthday and he started reading it right away and fell in love with the Gospel of John. A few months later he repented and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
Line (picture on the left) - an exchange student from France, volunteering at the coffee shop for a long time, being witnessed by everyone on the staff team, but not being very receptive. An avowed athiest who almost parted ways with us over "gay marriage". She came one day and wanted to give her life to Jesus.
The three of them got baptized in the very fridged waters of the Gulf of Finland on the 24th of June. Summer comes to Estonia much later if it comes at all!!! It was very exciting experience!
Also in the summer we took a team of 9 people from our ministry to Helsinki, Finland. We spent 4 days there evangelizing at an annual Rock Festival called TUSKA (which means PAIN) and in downtown Helsinki. We did an acoustic concert and people gathered to listen. We shared the Gospel with them, and prayed for people (in the picture below Katya is sharing during the concert).
On Sunday afternoon we went to the service of a local church that was hosting us (we stayed in small rooms of the church, sleeping on sleeping bags, which was great. It was a big blessing for us to stay near the grounds of the festival and also close to the center of the city).
The leadership of the church asked us to share and almost all of the team had gotten prophetic words for people in the church. The people were very encouraged by the words and also by the fact that it was young people who were doing the ministry.
In July we hosted Rebeca and Christy from Sweden who came to spend a week with us doing street evangelism. Here is what they wrote to us afterward:
It was on our hearts to go to Chester, England, to visit MorningStar Europe Ministry Spirit Shop. It's a shop where besides selling coffee, gifts and books, they pray for people. People come from all over the world to get prayer, healing, dream interpretation and prophetic ministry etc.
We found out about it from a video and got very inspired by their boldness to offer spiritual ministry in their shop. As a result we felt lead to put up a 'Spiritual Menu' in our cafe. We also wanted to go and personally learn more from their ministry. As we did not know anybody from there, we had to trust God to provide us with a place to stay. For quite some time before we left, we didn't know where we would stay while there. One day (about a month before we had to go) a couple with an 8 month old baby, came to our Living Room cafe. As we started talking to them, it turned out that they were Christians from Chester and they knew about the coffee shop ministry there. Right after they heard about our trip, they immediately invited us to stay with them. The solution came in a way we could have not even imagine.
Every day there we had an opportunity to pray for healing for people as well as get prophetic words and interpret dreams. The name "Spirit Shop" often attracts people who are interested in spiritual things. One day an older gentleman came in asking for tarot card reading and some spiritual guidance. We explained to him that Jesus is the only way and He can guide him to the truth. We ended up praying for him to experience the Holy Spirit. During prayer, tears started falling from his eyes and he felt the peace of God touching him. In this moment, after we told him we don't do that, he made the decision to give his life to Jesus.
It was amazing how God supplied all of our needs and was leading us every step of the way. He took care of us, as we trusted Him. The things that we learned and experienced there drew us closer to God and as we served people at the Shop and just prayed for them, we were blessed ourselves.
Please pray for:
- Missionaries (Natasha in Mozambique, Lana - open doors for India, possibility of Natasha joining Lana)
- More hunger for the Lord
- Ability to grow into Him
- Unity of the team
- Unity of Christians in Estonia
- A greater harvest of souls and raising up disciples
- Fruitful worship nights
- Anointing and grace to do everything The Lord wants us to do
- Health, strength and peace of God or everyone
- Finances for a new (used) vehicle for ministry
- Katya's continued good health and pressing through in her last year of university
Thank you again for being a great blessing tot he kingdom of God!
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