November 16, 2015

StreetCry Newsletter November 2015

Dear F​riends​,

What a privilege ​it is for us ​to share with you some of the many wonderful things God is doing.
Some of you know that John and I are currently in the US helping John’s 96 year old father. Most of our time we spen​d ministering to his needs; taking him for medical check ups, dealing with insurance and contractor companies (we recently had a fire on ​his​ property) and helping in a wonderful local fellowship, Christ Community Church​.​
We have also had the blessing of praying with 5 people to receive the Lord in the last 3 weeks, and to pray for others healing. We have also had the opportunity​ to visit some of the churches that support our ministry and introduce new missionaries Lana (came to the Lord through the ministry of StreetCry in St. Petersburg, Russia) and Natasha (a founding member of the Living Room student coffee shop and ministry in Tallinn) and their new mission work in India. We have had some exciting things that happened during this time that we would love to share with you all.
On October 17th John and I were invited to a dedication service of a Women’s and children’s home. It is a long term residential home in Fredericksburg, VA where mother and child can find restoration and healing from life-controlling addictions through the power of Jesus Christ. The story of how this home came to  be is one of the most inspiring stories that happened. (It will take a whole letter to share this wonderful story of God’s fulfillment of His promises).
Before the dedication, we had time to meet new people, eat  and fellowship. As we were doing this I  noticed a young man sitting all by himself at the table and decided to join him. His name is Thomas, he is 22 years old and it was his forth day in the Teen Challenge program for drug addicts (see picure of Thomas and John below). A few minutes later John has joined us and we were able to share our testimonies, how we came to the Lord, how He has changed our lives and is able to do the same or even more for anybody who is willing to give their lives to Him.
Our conversation continued after the service, because Thomas wanted to know more and wanted to pray with us to receive Christ. After explaining repentance and salvation thoroughly, he asked Jesus to forgive him for everything that he has done wrong and accepted Him into his heart. After prayer we encouraged him to trust the Lord every day, learn to love Him and study His Word.

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John's dad is a landlord and we had the opportunity to share our testimonies with the rentors and two of their children. Four of them gladly prayed with us for forgiveness of their sins and giving their lives to Jesus. A Muslim relative was there and declined to pray with us.
In the midst of the many shootings that are going on in and around school campuses and seeing the fear that often accompanies these incidents, it is refreshing to be in a county that believes in prayer and the authority of God over the enemy and his plans. At the end of August before the new school year several local churches  (around 200 people) in the area,  along with Christian principals, teachers and administrators got together and prayed in several schools for the children, teachers, principals, staff, security, etc. It was encouraging to see people realizing the importance of prayer.
Two months passed and in one of the schools in another county, there was a young man who brought a gun to class and threatened to kill people.  The Christian principal and a Christian teacher went to the classroom and began talking with the student. Meanwhile, other Christian students got together in another area of the school and began to pray. The principal and a  teacher reasoned with the student until he surrendered the gun to them. Shortly after that, the police came for the young man. It all happened with no violence, no bloodshed or dramatic heroics. This incident got almost zero press in the national news. It was clearly an answer to the prayer that was done at the beginning of the school year!
Our dear friend and fellow worker Natasha Stembah was visiting us for 6 weeks and was able to visit several churches that support our ministry. She and Lana are pioneering a new work in India and are in need of prayer and financial partners.
On one of the trips visiting churches, we were at a restaurant in Charleston, WV with our friends Tom and Trish Bottoms. A young man was serving us and as sometimes happens to all of us, several of us at the table felt a burden for this young man. At the end of the dinner we asked him his name; it was Caleb. I said, “It’s a Biblical name.” The response of the young man was, “Of course, I am the son of a preacher.”  Natasha asked if she could share what she feels the Lord is showing her about him. He gladly agreed. She gave him a specific word, saying that he has a long time dream that is too big and seems too great to achieve. He said, “You are spot on!”  We started talking more and found out that he had two degrees and he was now waiting tables as a result of many disappointments and some wrong choices in his life. He told us he had been a drug addict for five years, but he was clean for two and his big dream was to get involved in drug rehabilitation work to help others. We prayed together with him and encouraged  him to pursue his dream. He was very thankful for the word and the prayer we gave him. We exchanged facebook and email info and hugged him goodbye.
It has been the busiest of times we have ever had in the cafe. The number of people coming to the cafe daily has almost doubled since last year. We believe that each person is sent by God. Knowing this compels us to preach the gospel even more. Our hearts' desire is that all of them would experience God. The best moments in the cafe are when we are able to share Christ. This month there have been many hungry people coming in. The last week of this month we were able to share prophetic words of knowledge almost every day, both with Christians and non-believers. We have been able to get to know them, witness to, pray for and pour God’s love on them. We continue to pray for salvation for all who come.
We have also had the honor to host missionaries this month. Jem (see picture of her ministering to one of our church members below),  a Singaporean who lives in the Congo, is involved in rescuing child soldiers and bringing them to wholeness and love through Christ.

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She shared amazing stories about her  home for the soldiers and the miraculous fruit of God's love working in their lives.
Ministering at a Youth Conference 
In the end of October our team was invited to minister at a youth conference at the Pentecostal church of Tallinn attended by around 100 teenagers and young adults from 14 churches all over Estonia. The conference consisted of seminars that covered topics of worship, evangelism, discipleship and prophetic ministry. Natasha gave a class on prophetic ministry and how to develop our hearing of God’s voice and after that our team was able to share words of knowledge with the youth (see picture below).

For many of them, it was the first time they ever heard about prophetic ministry and how God uses it to reach out to the lost. We are excited that the hunger for the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation is growing in the body of Christ in Estonia and that He uses us in a small way to spotlight it to others.
Relika's 88 year old grandfather has been quite sick and disabled for many years. After a recent downturn in his health he had to be hospitalized. The doctors said there is no point of keeping him in the hospital because he will definitely die, so they sent him home to do so. Relika is attending university in England, and we did not have a chance to visit him. But the good thing is that God is not limited by our distance so we were able to pray for him on Sunday. As we were praying, there was a word that an angel visited him in his room and touched him. Very soon after that he was taken to the hospital again and in a few days his physical body was healed but mentally he had become like a 6 year old and was completely dependent on others. We continued praying for him and  after a few days his mind was restored and  he has been completely healed and is now at home doing better than he has been for years.
Our 20th annual Christmas feed-ins and celebrations will be held next month. We have started planning for them in Tallinn, Estonia and St. Petersburg, Russia. We will have two events in Tallinn, and one in St. Petersburg. Since John and I are currently in the US, the brothers and sisters in Christ who are running the coffee shop and church in Tallinn are understaffed, they need special prayer at the time of planning and executing such a big event with music concert, evangelism and full Christmas feast. In Russia we are expecting 300 people from more than a dozen Christian rehab centers to come and enjoy a time of thanking God for the victories won in the past year and praying for the harvest of new souls among the afflicted and addicted. Both of those events require quite a bit of finances. In Russia we have to rent a big enough place to hold and sit 300 people, rent extra equipment for music part of things, buy lots of food and pay for transportation and visas of some of the volunteers from Estonia that would like to come and help. We need to raise $7,000. If the Lord is putting on your heart to help in any way to finance these events, we would appreciate your support and prayers. These times are some of the most joyous and fruitful times and we are so looking forward to sharing God's love with many during this holiday season.
  • Salvation of John’s father
  • Spiritual growth, hunger to know God in a deeper way for Thomas and Caleb  
  • Prayer and financial supply for the feed ins in Estonia and Russia
  • Growth in love and unity as a church
  • Spiritual growth of our young believers
  • God’s grace and wisdom in situations we face
  • More souls to be saved
Thank you very much for your prayers  and faithful support,

John and Sara Russell

for StreetCry Ministries and The Living Room Fellowship and Café

September 19, 2015


Dear Friends,
Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our ministry. It is hard to keep up with all of the wonderful and mighty things that God does on a regular basis. His goodness endures forever!
Our Coffee Shop closed for a time during the summer and the staff was able to get some needed rest. We were also able to use this time to paint the walls, make some changes in the menu, work on our website, advertisement, training volunteers, etc. We also have had a chance to do more evangelism on the streets and focus on getting ready for the new season both for cafe and for the church.

In June we had a Bible School graduation ceremony. We had 3 first year students and 2 second year students that completed the course  in June (see picture below). 

Relika (1st year student) - "I learned more about the Bible and the importance of it during the year of Bible school than I ever have before. It also helped me to develop even greater hunger for God's Word. We have this gift that is His Word and there is so much wisdom in it. I am thankful for this gift that has eternal value."
Triin (1st year student) - "During the year of Bible school I understood how much I need to depend on the Word of God. Knowing the Scripture has helped me to discern between my soul and spirit."
Dasha (1st year student) – "During this year of Bible school, God blessed me a lot. I got to know God from a different perspective. He helped me to go deeper in knowledge of His Word and in being faithful."
Nancy (2nd year student) - "During the last two years of Bible school I realized how little I actually know. I can say that it helped me to see that there is so much more treasure in the Word of God. I really fell in love with the Bible and I know that this is just a beginning."
Imre (2nd year student) - "In Bible school I learned to know Jesus Christ more personally through His Word. I was learning to see how God reveals His plans through the Word, how to put my life down and follow Jesus every day in every situation. It also inspired and taught me how to witness and share the gospel with others. The hunger to know His Word increased gradually as I was studying it every day."
This summer we had the blessing of baptizing three of the newest additions to our church, Jana, Eva and Edward (see picture from the baptism below). Jana and Edward, high schoolers, came as volunteers to help at our cafe last year. A few months later both of them met Jesus and made a decision to receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Eva, after a long time of searching for the right church, felt led by the Lord to us. 

"I feel like for whatever reason, God has been watching over me my whole life. Growing up there was a lot of bad influence around me. Nevertheless, I’ve never felt pulled to go down the wrong path.

My mom used to drag me to church every Christmas; and my grandmother would always be mad at us if we didn't go to church at Easter time. I thought church was boring, cold and a waste of time. I truly hated it. The topic of religion would naturally come up with friends at school and I occasionally got a flyer in the street. I had to think about it a bit more when I joined a choir and performed gospel songs. I fell in love with some of the songs and became more curious about God. However, at this point I didn’t think I would ever start believing in anything. 
My friends invited me to a concert that was hosted by the Living Room Cafe. It wasn't one of my best days and I didn't want to go. Everything about the coffee shop was amazing: food, coffee, atmosphere. After that I invited other friends to go there and one of them, Edward, asked the staff if he could volunteer there. Spending a day in the cafe, he was glowing and couldn’t stop talking about how amazing everything was. So, I decided to help out too. The Living Room friends got me a Bible as a birthday present and later I started attending Bible lessons with Nancy and Sara. I prayed with Katya and gave my life to Jesus on October the 2nd. Since then my life has been filled with so much joy and thankfulness. I have gained countless  amazing new brothers and sisters. Giving my life to Jesus was the best decision I’ve ever made and I haven’t regretted it for a minute" (see picture of Jana below). 

"My life before I met Jesus was crazy. I thought that people who believe in God are lacking something or they are just helpless hoping that God will help them. I didn’t think that I lacked anything or that I needed any help from anybody. I was a so called "rich kid". I partied with my friends, used drugs and alcohol. I lived a life that some people envy.
When I first came to the Living Room Cafe, I wanted to stay there and shortly after I became a volunteer. Very quickly I learned that everyone on staff were Christians. They kept telling me about Jesus continually. At first, it did not make much sense to me because I was happy with my life and I didn’t think I needed anything else to make me feel better. But after a while, the idea of giving my life to Jesus started to make more sense and I made a decision to accept Him on September 21, 2014. I didn't feel an immediate change in me, but God was working in my heart. Since then I have had many experiences with the Holy Spirit touching me and speaking to me in prayer and prophetically. I still have a long way to go but I know I’m on the right path. This summer I decided to get baptized to publicly show my dedication to the Lord" (see picture of Edward getting baptized below). 

In July, a group of us had a chance to take a trip to Nuremberg, Germany to  participate in the "Awaken Europe 2015 Conference". The highlight of the conference was when 25,000 people went on the streets of Nuremberg to preach the Gospel and to share the love of Christ with people. God refreshed our vision for reaching souls for Him and to maintain a lifestyle of being witnesses of Jesus everywhere we go.

Since we came back from our trip God gave us many opportunities to take young people from other churches and ministries to the streets of Tallinn to share the Gospel and pray for people. Here is one of the  recent testimonies.  
As we walked in one of the parks in Tallinn, trying to find someone to talk to in the rain, we noticed a group of guys just sitting under a tree, playing guitar and hanging out. They had their cigarettes and beer bottles nicely laid out in front of them as they listened to a street musician playing his guitar. One of them, Juha-Matti, being already a little bit tipsy, was eager to talk to us but quite resistant towards the religion he thought we were going to convince him to join. 
Tyler (from a visiting ministry team we took witnessing) :

Relika asked him if he knew Jesus, which turned into a 20 minute conversation about things like, “If there is a God why is there evil and why would Jesus allow terrorism in the world?” In reply, Relika said to Juha-Matti, “Can I pray for you?” He looked up at her and said, “prayer does nothing, but sure.” A few moments before he told us that a long time ago Satan told him that he was his.” This was powerful stuff.
Relika reached out her hand and prayed that the Holy Spirit would come over him. As she did Juha-Matti bent his head down into his hands. When she finished praying he sat there in silence. Moments went by before I asked him what happened. With eyes as large as golf balls, he said to his friend, “Solomon we need to leave RIGHT NOW!” He stood up and was filled with fear. After convincing him to stay we asked him what happened. In reply he said, “While you were praying I felt something go into my heart. It took something (I believe it was the spirit of oppression) from my heart and went out my back.” 
I looked at him and explained what had just happened and the only word that came to his mouth was “crazy.” I told him that I didn’t disagree, God can be a little unorthodox after all. Then I got a word of knowledge about him. “He’s been searching for joy,” I sensed the Lord saying. So, I asked him if he wanted joy in his life again. He looked at me and said, “Of course. I’ve been doing drugs for a while, but recently only smoking and drinking.” When I heard this, I began to tell him  part of my story. I too turned to alcohol to find my joy, but that stuff doesn’t keep you happy for very long. After telling him this, I asked him if he wanted to receive an eternal joy, joy from the Lord.
When he had accepted my request I put my hands on him and said, “Fire from heaven fall on this man. I pray that you would fill him with supernatural joy. He is no longer owned by Satan. In the name of Jesus he is set free.” Again, he looked up eyes wide open. “This is crazy!” He said. “I feel so happy and warm.” This is the God we serve. There is power in the name of Jesus.
I explained how Jesus died for him on the cross and what that means. He told me that Jesus would never love him because he could never stop smoking or drinking every day. When I heard this I sensed the Lord saying, “Tyler, I want to free him from those things right now.” As he rolled, lit, and puffed his next cigarette I said, “How about I pray for you again and I know you won’t want to take another puff of that cigarette in your hand!” He accepted. I prayed a simple prayer. “In the name of Jesus, you are fully free from cigarettes and alcohol. You are set free and don’t want them anymore!” Moments later with his head down, he dropped the cigarette in his hand. “This is CRAZY,” he shouted!
There is power in the name of Jesus! He looked up at me and said, “I don’t want them anymore! I don’t want them at all!” God healed him and set him free. Now he was ready. I looked at him and asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus and he couldn’t have been more excited to do just that. I explained that all he needed to do was ask Jesus to come in his life. It is that simple. So, I led him in a prayer of repentance and gained a new brother in Christ. There is power in the name of Jesus.
The change in him was so vivid. He had joy, he was able to look us in the eyes, he hugged us, he threw all his cigarettes and beer away and he even started witnessing to his friend who was sitting right next to us. He told him that he needed to experience the same thing he had. So we told him, he needed to pray for his friend. And that’s what he did, right there under the same tree, laid hands on his friend Solomon and prayed in his own language (Finnish). It was a true kingdom moment. Our God is so powerful and he can melt even the hardest hearts in few moments. Please pray for Juha-Matti to find a good church in Finland and that he would be able to stay in faith and get closer to God.
•   Growth and hunger for the new believers
•   Grace and wisdom for the new season
•   Fruitful time for witnessing on the streets
•   That the Lord would send more laborers into the harvest field
•    Unity and God's love in our team
•    Peace, wisdom and the leading of the Holy Spirit for those in leadership 
Thank you again for your friendship, prayers and financial support! May God shower you with His love, grace, peace and blessings,
John & Sara Russell 
for StreetCry Ministries & The Living Room Fellowship

Support checks for StreetCry or for Lana and Natasha's pioneer work in India can be made to:

StreetCry Ministries
PO Box 162
Franklin Springs, GA 30639

Please put INDIA on the bottom left of checks for support for Lana and Natasha.

Thank you!

January 05, 2015

January Newsletter

Dear Friends!

We would like to thank every one of you for your prayers, friendship and financial support!

You are truly our partners who help make our work possible. We owe you all a very big apology for our lack of newsletters and communication during this past year. We are sorry and hope to do much better this year. We have had an astounding year, with quite a few new people giving their lives to Jesus, getting water baptized and baptized in the Holy Spirit. We also have 2 missionaries who spent most of the past year in India, Mozambique and Kenya. One of them, our dear Natasha was taking care of the newsletters and other business. Unfortunately, after she left there was a combination of us being swamped with other ministry work and our total lack of technical ability to send out a newsletter that looked good. We actually wrote 2 of them and were not able to send them out. Natasha just returned for a short time, and we are thankful that she can now help us with this again! On top of that, we have a new brother in Christ, who just gave his life to Jesus at New Year who is a professional IT guy.....more about him in another newsletter.

We are very excited about the things that the Lord is continuing to do here in Tallinn. Adam, a Swedish national and frequenter of our cafe gave his life to Jesus and he comes for Bible reading and classes every weekday. Alexandra, a student prayed to give her life to Jesus as well. We held 2 Christmas feed-ins here at the cafe and were able to witness to 100+ students and pray for a few of them. Vitalek and Madis are coming regularly and are very close to the kingdom. (Vitalek received Jesus on New Years day 2015 -hallelujah!)

​In September we ​began our third school ​year since opening the coffee shop in the center of Tallinn in 2011. We feel that this year things are picking up speed more and more. We have ​a ​ totally new group of foreign student as well as new locals, but there are also those that we have gotten to know ​well ​during that last two years.So far, we have had 4 young people come to Jesus: Jahna and Eduard who are students and volunters at the cafe; David a model and frequent visitor at the cafe from Costa Rica and Dayara, an exchange student from the Netherlands.

John was teaching on ​the ​importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit and 3 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit that day. We had so much joy when it happened after the service. Two of them are Estonians, one was David from Costa Rica. We have also started Bible school in September, we have 6 students in the first year and 2 in the second. All of them are volunteering at the coffee shop as well. They are a blessing. The Lord has given us a good team of people, who love the Lord and the lost.​

We had a wonderful worship​ night ​together with 2 churches at the beginning of September and then another one at the start of October. We will continue hosting monthly worship and intercession nights on the first Saturday of each month. The purpose of the worship nights is to experience the presence of God, worship Him in Spirit and Truth and to fulfill our calling to pray and intercede for the nations. John 4:23, Rev 5:7-9, Isaiah 56:7. In many nations around the world, citywide worship and intercession nights have been going on nightly, weekly or monthly for many years. Before coming to Estonia, some of us were doing this once a month for more than 12 years. It never gets tiring, only more exciting as prayer gets deeper and God reveals more of His loving heart and concern for the world (picture below - some of us after worship night). 

John and I spent a ​few weeks in the US during the summer helping John's 95 year old dad who lives alone. We also visited his mom who was in the hospital with double pneumonia and sepsis. She is at home right now, doing better. This was also a time when we could share God's love with them.

​ ​
Before we left for the US​ we ​completed our school year with ​water ​baptism of​ three young people who received ​the Lord at the cafe or at our church.

Anna Lena (picture on the left) - an exchange student from Germany, studied music here for one year. She said she knew the real reason she came to Estonia was to find Jesus. 

Aldo (picture on the right) - an Italian entrepreneur, whom we met at the coffee shop​. We​ gave him an Italian Bible for his birthday and he started reading it right away and fell in love with the Gospel of John. A few months later he repented and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Line (picture on the left) - an exchange student from France, volunteering at the coffee shop for a long time, being witnessed by everyone on the staff team, but not being very receptive. ​An avowed athiest who almost parted ways with us over "gay marriage". ​She came one day and wanted to ​give her life to Jesus.

The three of them got baptized in ​the very fridged waters of the G​ulf of Finland on the 24th of June. Summer comes to Estonia much later if it comes at all!!! It was very exciting experience!


​Also in the summer we took a team of 9 people from our ministry to ​Helsinki, ​Finland. W​e spent 4 days ​there evangelizing at an annual​ Rock Festival called TUSKA (which means PAIN) ​and in downtown Helsinki. We did an acoustic concert and people gathered to listen​. We shared the Gospel with them, and prayed for people (in the picture below Katya is sharing during the concert). 

​On Sunday afternoon we went to the​ service of a local church that was hosting us (we stayed in small rooms of the ​church, sleeping on ​sleeping bags, which was great. It was a big blessing for us to stay near the grounds of the festival and also close to the center of the city).

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The leadership of the church asked us to share and almost all of the team had gotten prophetic words for people in the church. The people were very encouraged by the words and also by the fact that i​t was young people who were doing the ministry.


In July we hosted Rebeca and Christy from Sweden who came to spend a week with us doing street evangelism. Here is what they wrote to us afterward:

I thank God that He is the same always. So, the good work that He begun in us in Estonia, will only continue to grow here in Sweden as well, no matter what the circumstances are or how it feels. Anyway, we had a great, great time in Estonia. I think both Christy and I can call it our second home by now. Saturday was probably one of the favorite days of the week for me, then we were on the streets. When our music team was playing and singing near Freedom S​quare, a young girl came and sat down next to Christy. Her name was Katja, and she had such a beautiful smile when she came and listened to the guys who sang and played, and it all ended so, so wonderfully when we realized that Relika was praying the prayer of salvation with her, and the next day she came to church as well.When we later walked back to the others, we also prayed for a woman that had injured her arm, and Nancy also gave​ a word of knowledge to her. After that, we headed to another place to sing, and to speak with other people.Christy also got to pray for a woman who needed a healing in her body,together with some of the others from the team. After we had been out on the streets, we were experiencing such joy. It was so fantastic to see how God can use us among people that don't know Him! God sure gave me and Christy during those eight days than we expected! It feels like God started something big in our hearts during that week.


It was on our hearts to go to Chester, England, to visit MorningStar Europe M​inistry Spirit Shop. It's a shop where besides selling coffee, gifts and books, they pray for people. People come from all over the world to get prayer, healing, dream interpretation and prophetic ministry etc.

​ ​
We found out about ​it from a video and got very inspired by their boldness to offer spiritual ministry in their shop. As a result we felt lead to put up a 'Spiritual Menu' in our cafe. We also wanted to go and personally learn more from their ministry. As we did not know anybody from there, we had to trust God to provide us with a place to stay. For quite some time before we left, we didn't know where we would stay while there. One day (about a month before we had to go) a couple with an​ 8 month old baby, came to our Living Room cafe. As we started talking to them, it turned out that they were Christians from Chester and they knew about the coffee shop ministry there. Right after they heard about our trip, they immediately invited us to stay with them. The solution came in a way we could have not even imagine.
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Every day there we had an opportunity to pray for healing for people as well as get prophetic words and interpret dreams. The name "Spirit Shop" often attracts people who are interested in spiritual things. One day an older gentleman came in asking for tarot card reading and some spiritual guidance. We explained to him that Jesus is the only way and He can guide him to the truth. We ended up praying for him to experience the Holy Spirit. During prayer, tears started falling from his eyes and he felt the peace of God touching him. In this moment, after we told him we don't do that, ​he made the decision to give his life to Jesus.
​ ​
It was amazing how God supplied all of our needs and was leading us every step of the way. He took care of us, as we trusted Him. The things that we learned and experienced there drew us closer to God and as we served people at the Shop and just prayed for them, we were blessed ourselves.

Please pray for:

  • Missionaries (Natasha in Mozambique, Lana - open doors for India, possibility of Natasha joining Lana)
  • More hunger for the Lord
  • Ability to grow into Him
  • Unity of the team
  • ​Unity of Christians in Estonia
  • ​A greater harvest of souls and raising up disciples
  • Fruitful worship nights
  • Anointing and grace to do everything The Lord wants us to do
  • Health, strength ​and peace of God ​or everyone
  • ​Finances for a new (used) vehicle for ministry​
  • Katya's continued good health and pressing through in her last year of university
Thank you again for being a great blessing tot he kingdom of God!

With love,

John and Sara Russell

for StreetCry Ministries